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All About Me...



Hi, this is Ali. I am a 15 year old girl from Nebraska...yay! NOT. well i am fairly short, standing about 5'1, and i have naturally blonde hair to my shoulders, but its not ussually blonde. right now its a deep red. i have blue eyes...well theres a picture here of me so you get the idea. I like to do things a normal girl my age would do... shop, drink, party you my school the "thing to do" or the thing everone does, is just drive around and drink beer and smoke cigarettes.. ill explain that a little later... well i got to Platteview High School..youve probably never heard of it becuase its in the boonies... surrounded my cornfields and cow farms. but i geuss i have no room to talk seeing as how i live on a farm... anyways, that brings me to the driving around thing. there is nothing to do out here in the boonies so we just drive around, ussually in the small "village" of Springfield, or down in the Villa. Ocasionally people have parties..well usually they do. Very much fun! people at my school drink or smoke weed for fun... well i dont know what else to write here so thats about it...