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Welcome to Brandon's Poetry page.........Abandon hope all who enter.......

Just kidding

One of the greatest qoutes in the world...

Gods,what fools these Mortals be--

Puck/Robin Goodfellow from Midsummer Night's Dream

slow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD ButterfliesSlow futtering C:TD Butterflies

Tangable poetry ·  InTangable poetry ·  Poetry of Nature ·  Comments? · 

Welcome to my poetry site, these links are aspects of my spirit and images from the imagination and heart. The Tangible poetry link contains poems of things that can be touched or are corporeal while the Intangible page contains poems of concepts and emotions only grasped by a mind or imagination. Lastly the nature link speaks of the animal and Nature forces of the world.i hope you enjoy them for i did writing them, they are flashes of insight and dream.

Welcome to the Endless from The Sandman Series


Neil Gaiman

Destiny,eldest brother of the Endless Death,happy eldest sister of the Endless Morpheus/Dream of The Endless  Delerium,Youngest Sister of The Endless Destruction,Lively brother of The Endless Desire,Twin to Despair of The Endless Despair,Twin to Desire of The Endless