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My FanFiction Page


Nice to see you! I'm Blillie, and this is my Fanfiction site. I made it because I figured if I write this stuff, I have to have somewhere to put it, right? I'll also be submitting them other places, but if they're not accepted there, they'll be here.

About me: I'm 23, married to my extremely understanding husband, and also to Sirius Black. Yes, you guessed it, I'm a die-hard Harry Potter fan! I'm pregnant with my REAL husband's baby... he says I'm not allowed to name it Sirius*pouts*... Anyway, my one main pairing is Remus/Sirius (because if I can't have him, let Remus).

It's gonna take me a while to get used to Angelfire, since I come from Tripod country... and know diddly-squat about HTML... I think I might go back to Tripod. I don't know. I'll just have to see how truly bad I am at this.

