Now meet the man
Care to learn more?
The mid-afternoon sun reflected off of Derek's guitar. His head was lowered and his long golden hair fell over the strings. His fingers plucked and strung different chords to a new enchanting melody. His bright green eyes jumped up as a tall brown haired man about his age walked up the steps to his front porch. "Hey Rob," Derek said, putting his guitar aside. Robert smiled, his blue eyes distant as he sat down on a wooden rocking chair. He licked his lips and cleared his throat, "Der, I need to ask you something." Derek raised his eyebrow and leaned back in his chair, "Oh yeah, and what's that?" He shook his head, letting his hair cover one eyes. Robert leaned up, his elbows on his knees. "Do you remember me telling you about Alisha?" "The red head you met over Spring Break. Yeah, I remember." He said, sitting up now, suddenly interested. Robert smiled and looked at Derek, "I'm taking her camping tonight." The blonde smiled and nodded, "Okay, well, how do you need my help? You know I've never--" "NO!" Robert said quickley, cutting Derek off. "No, no.. I can do all that on my own. But.. you see. Listen, Der, she's bringing three of her friends. And I already have Tyler and Joseph coming but I need one more." Derek stood up and walked to the fence, "You know I hate going camping, Rob. Why ask me? Jake would probably go if you ask him." Robert smiled and laughed a little, "I already asked. He's out of town with his brother. I've asked everyone, Der. You're my last hope." The man sighed, falling silent for a minute. He figured it would only be one night. If he didn't like it, he could go home in the morning. Derek glanced at Robert and sighs, "You owe me." Robert high-fived Derek, excited for the night ahead of him. Only three hours later, there were two pick up trucks out front of Derek's house. He hopped in, a blow up mattress and his guitar were his only possessions. As the girls and guys socialized, Derek sunk back in his seat, not wanting anything to notice him. He hated being around new people. The ride was a little under two hours and by the time they arrived, the moon had long since risen. They spent the next hour setting up camp, getting dry wood and starting a fire. There was a larger blue and white cooler in the middle of the camp filled with some snacks and alot of beer. Robert walked up to Derek, who had been quiet since he was picked up, and offered him a beer. "You know I don't." Derek said, using a rubber band to pull his hair back. Robert shrugged and opened the can, drinking it down quickley. Derek shook his head, "This is your idea of a camping trip?" Robert chuckled and playfully punched Derek in the arm, "Chill out man. It's fun." Derek sighed a got up, grasping his guitar by the neck. "Where are you going?" He asked, throwing the empty can in the woods. Derek just raised his hand and walked off. Robert knew that Derek hated partieds. He knew that he hated beer mostly because that was how his parents were killed. Kid had come home from a party and was drunk off his ass when he rammed into his parents while they were taking their nightly walk. And just like that, he was an orphan. About a mile later, Derek stopped walking and sat on a rather large walk. He was far enough away from the group that he couldn't hear them anymore. He sighed and then brought his guitar in his lap. His eyes wandered up to the full moon as he played. He had spaced out, playing his song and listening to the sounds of the night. A few branches cracked and Derek snapped his head back just in time to feel claws digging deeply into his upper shoulder. He fell to the ground, his guitar tossed aside. For a moment, he could see what was attacking him. And he didn't comprehend it. The thing looked like a man, and a wolf.. It must have been a werewolf. He had heard about them before, but never seen one in person. Before he could think more, he felt the claws slash in his chest. The werewolf leaned in, his teeth glistening, eyes yellow. It was about to bite when another howl rang out through the trees. He receeded away without a sound, like the drawing back of a tide, and just like that.. it was gone. Derek lay paralyzed for a few moments but soon got ahold of himself and jumped up. He started running, screaming and yelling, back to camp. If they hurried up, they could all get back to the trucks and away from here. Suddenly, he stumbled over something and as he hit the ground, he saw that it was the corpse of one of the girls. It was Alisha. Derek covered his mouth and looked around at the half eaten corpses of his friend Robert and a few other acquaintances. Derek jumped up and backed away from the camp, mortified. He started running and didn't stop until he was six miles away. At the point he leaned in someone's trash can and threw up, the image was so fresh in his mind, he could still smell the bloody corpses. The worst part about it all, he had wanted a taste of what lay there. Wanted a taste of the bodies he knew so well, and of those that he didn't. He'd given up his chance, running in fear of what had happened. In fear of that desire that had taken hold of him. It was one month later that he had another chance.