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Angeline's Peace

angeline nuss


Do you ever feel sorrow? Does it ever bring you down? Have you had some time to reflect on what's really going down? Do you ever end up waiting, wanting, and then ask yourself why? Is it you who will break down, but there are no tears to cry? Are your feelings more suppressed than that? Are they burried deep inside? Now and then I run and run from them without a place to hide. My final destination is when I lay my head, so many feelings overflowing but so little's to be said. Do you ever feel guilty for one thing if not more? I'm forever trying just to get to that last door. A grave and crude injustice, a service rendered me, and now despite your smiles it's all that I can see. Selfish acts are deathening no matter small or large, just don't let the darker side, don't let it take charge! Controll is very basic we all need it in some degree, but I'll never let it take my hope and feelings all away from me! Do you ever feel HATRID? Does it call you by your name? Do you ever just act out knowing it will never be the same! Does it pick and tear at you and then just say hello, will it someday be your downfall and direct you where to go? Now have you ever seen the sunshine? Do you ever get that glow - from morning air that isn't stale of warmth and room for you to grow? Some mistakes are simple, just don't repeat them once again. Some mistakes so wrondful you couldn't ever tell a friend! Now have you ever questioned friendship? All the secrets not quite told. Will you ever even tell them, only time can tell - did you discover that they have horrible things to reveal just as well? Have you ever heard an echo from somethind in your past? Sometimes I end up thinking that he has found me here at last! Sometimes I sit and ponder where did I go so wrong, but I still contain my inner self which has been here all along. I do not know for certain and maybe it will fade but what i seem to tell myself is THIS HELL, I HAVE MADE!! I do not have compassion, no more worries will I bare, when I sit down all alone, my heart just does not care!! If I never see the sunrise, he will always be okay, I'm not truely good enough that's what they seem to say! So if you feel sunshine and get that special glow, please remember there are somethings I wished for you to know. I have a heart deep inside that was torn rite in two, and without any love to give my point on earth is through!! This I wrote the day after my son's first birthday. My son is truely my insperation!! His father is truely my dawnfall!!