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Return of the King Short Preview Screen Caps

(All images come from

Shot: A hand (looks like Sam) opens, holding the rings and some dirt.

Shot: Sam and Frodo follow Gollum through some brush.

Pippin: “If there any hope Gandalf? For Frodo and Sam?”

Gandalf: “There never was much hope”

Shot: Pippin looking over a wall and then Gandalf looking down at him.

Gandalf (continued): “Just a fool’s hope.”

Shot: Frodo (and partial Sam), sitting up, his face is covered with ash, he’s looking into a light (Mount Doom?).

Shot: Merry kneeling before Pippin, shaking his hand.

Merry: We shall see the Shire again.

Shot: Pippin nods, he looks sad, like he’s about to cry.

Shot: Gandalf rides through a forest on Shadowfax (Pippin probably is with him, but the shot is very wide and I can’t see him.)

Shot: The Eye of Sauron fills the screen.

Shot: We see orcs running (Close up)

Faramir: My lord, Osgiliath is overrun.

Shot: Faramir stands in hall (Probably Minas Tirith, before Denethor.)

Shot: Orcs running through Osgiliath

Shot: Close up of Eowyn

Theoden: I would have you smile again.

Shot: Theoden looking down at Eowyn.

Theoden (continued): Not grieve for those whose time has come.

Shot: Pippin in Gondorian amour holds an injured Merry in the thick of battle (Pellenor?) Gandalf is fighting behind them.

Shot: Aragorn (normal clothes) sinks to his knees, Legolas is behind him.

Shot: Close up of Gandalf, holding his staff

Gandalf: Board is set.

Shot: Gondorian Archers aim in Osgiliath

Gandalf (continued): Pieces are moving.

Shot: More Gondorian archers.

Shot: Orcs and Men fighting

Shot: Horsemen ride from Minas Tirith, Aragorn in front

Gandalf (continued): We come to it at last

Shot: Closer shot of Aragorn on a horse, wearing the symbol of the White Tree on his armour, Legolas is riding behind him.

Shot: Gandalf on Shadowfax rides up to the wall of Minas Tirith, which is guarded and looks out onto an ocean of orcs.

Gandalf (continued): “The great battle of our time.”

Shot: Horsemen charge over fields, Theoden leading them.

Shot: Orcs start to pound with a log against a gate.

Shot: Some large structure falls over a wall and smashes the upper part of it.

Shot: Orcs and men fight in Gondor.

Shot: A Ringwraith on the flying steed flies over a building and knocks the top off of a tower.

Shot: Sam speaks to Frodo.

Sam: “You don’t see it, do you?”

Shot: Gollum looks into his reflection in water.

Gollum: “Precious will be ours.”

Shot: Orcs catapult fire into Minas Tirith.

Sam (cont.): “He’s leading up into a trap!”

Shot: Sam and Frodo run through Shelob’s lair.

Gollum (cont.): “Once the Hobbitses are dead.”

Shot: Gollum drops a stone into the water, rippling his reflection.

Shot: Aragorn swings a sword and torch (not sure if sword is Andruil; he’s not in White Tree armour yet), Legolas stands behind him (whoa, déjà vu ;-) ).

Shot: Theoden raises his sword, leading a charge

Shot: In battle, Legolas points his bow.

Shot: Aragorn (in his White Tree Armour) charges at someone with a sword (Andruil)

Theoden: Ride now for ruin and the world’s ending!

Shot: Horsemen charge.

Shot: Gandalf rides in a city on Shadowfax with Pippin behind him to confront a Ringwraith on a winged steed.

TITLE: The Lord of the Rings  The Return of the King.

TITLE: December 2003
