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Things I Hate

Everyone hates things. I'm just one of the first people to write it all down.

Well, hate's a strong word, but you can be sure that I really really don't like these things.

At Last count there were 72 things on this page.

1. SUVs
2. Republicans
3. Libertarians
4. George Bush
5. Light Pollution
6. The KKK
7. Drunk Drivers
8. Book Banners
9. Nazis
10. Racists
11. Egotists
12. Vulgarity
13. Dog Fighters
14. Puppy Mills
15. Animal Testing
16. Mean People
17. Glasses (Update: Contacts are a wonderful thing)
18. Braces (Update: Yes! They're Off!)
19. No Caffiene
20. Richard when he's being weird
21. Promiscuity
22. AIDs
23. Violence
24. Guns
25. The NRA
26. War
27. Violence
28. Bombs
29. Florida
30. Ric Keller
31. Forced Patriotism
32. Everyone in the Bush Administration
33. Anarchists
34. Terrorists
35. Money (as it is valued in society)
36. Religious People who tell everyone else that they're going to hell
37. Pat Robertson
38. Obsessed Trekkies
39. People who believe you can't like more than one fantasy genre
40. Reality Television
41. TPTB
42. All those shows that claim to portray High School
43. Jar-Jar
44. The New Star Wars movies ("I hate sand...")
45. Mel Gibson
46. Anti-Semetics
47. Murderers
48. The Death Penalty (Let 'em rot in jail, it's actually cheaper)
49. Mideast Violence
50. Rednecks
51. Amuhricaans
52. Having to say the pledge every day
53. Big Tobacco
54. Cancer
55. Tax Cuts
56. Cuts to the Space Program
57. The fact that Public Schools are underfunded and inadequet
58. Loud People
59. Loud noises
60. Rap Music
61. Profanity
62. 300 channels and there's nothing ON!
63. Getting sick right before something important
64. Method Acting
65. Over Analyzing books in school
66. Allergies
67. Dead Pens
68. Inspiration which comes only at 3 AM
69. Frugal People
70. People who don't help others
71. Cell Phones
72. Talking in movie theaters
73. Transcedentalists
74. The word, assiduous, at least as used by Mr. Hoffman
75. My algebra grade
76. Acne
77. Driving
78. My parents' inability to make up their minds about anything
79. Richard on a normal day
80. "Abridged" versions
81. Cheerleaders
82. "School Spirit"
83. Pep rallys
84. Bill O'Reily
85. Rush Limbaugh
86. Ann Coulter
87. Republicans (doubly so).
88. Fox News
89. "Weapons of Mass Destruction"
90. "Enlarge Your Male Anatomy!"
91. "Wardrobe Malfuntion"
92. The word "Yo" as used seriously
93. The fact that we only have left-handed boomarangs.
94. The fact that David and Tony talk about football EVERY DAY in Spanish Class.
95. Cutting military pay, healthcare, and retirement. (A great thank-you from the White House for that entire DYING IN IRAQ THING).
96. High heels
97. Mascara that dries your eyes out.
98. Gum on the bottom of desks. Come on guys!
99. CNN, 13000 times, "YEARGH!!!", 'nuff said.
100. "Lyric approving committee" Does that mean we can't listen to Carmina Burana?
101. Jerry Falwell
102. Enterprise writers. Alien Nazis?!?!?!
103. Rah. I love her but GOD SHE PISSES ME OFF SOMETIMES!!!
104. Maggie when she's cleaning her feet. At one int he morning.
105. The fact that Adult Swim only comes on really late at night.
106. THe fact that my parents think anime is going to turn me into a pycho mass murderer despite my explanation that Trigun is actually ANTI-violence.
107. Kerry's boring. Face it, he is. Well better boring than stupid.
108. Mrs. Knight. The fact that I may have her twice.
109. Having all the kids in the neighborhood over at our house.
110. Noise. Lots and lots of noise.
111. That Rah insists on playing the guitar when she's near me, even though she doesn't know how to.
112. My computer really doesn't like me.