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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Many people (all right no one) have asked me some questions about my site. So here (drumroll) are my questions to all the answers you could possibly have! (Well I hope)

Question: What is the purpose of this site?
Answer: If you figure out, tell me.

Q: Why do you hate Republicans so much?
A: The same reason so many Republicans hate me.

Q: What is your real name?
A: Not saying. You may call me Ara, Queen of the World.

Q: Will you marry me?
A: No.

Q: Why did you create this site?
A: I was bored.

Q: Why are all the backgrounds the same?
A: I stole them from Paramount. It makes my life simple.

Q: Can I take such and such from your site?
A: Yes. CHances are I took it from somone else.

Q: Can I sue you?
A: No. Read the Standard Disclaimer Plus if you did, you'd just get come scratched CDs, a broken discman, and bad sci-fi books.

Q: Your site sucks, I hate you.
A: That's not a question.

Q: Who cares? I can say whatever I want!
A: No you can't, you're just a question box, it defies the meaning of your existence. I can pull the plug wehnever I want to.

Q: Wait! but you can't do that! I live I tell you!
A: Oh really. *Takes out Ben and Jerry's Ice cream and eats it while fingering the button of death*

Q: Hah! I have wo- *Get's flashed out of existence*
A: Mmm... chocolately silence.....
