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Thanks for stoppin by, check out all my pages!!!
Hey. I made this website for my friends and myself,
and I'll try to update it as much as possible.

School's almost here and I don't know about you,
but I can't WAIT to go school shopping!
This is one of those times every year
when people go out and blow a lot of money on
clothes, accesories and school gear. Most of which
lasts up until, well, about Christmas! Then out to
the malls again, and even once more before summer.
Whoa, sensing a pattern here!

Thanks to Judy for the background colors! Thanks for visiting the site, more to come soon!

We've all made mistakes....

aehunni06: do you remember pretending to be
hilbillys/crack addicts on the microphone to random
people with james

aehunni06: gosh that was crazy stuff

disentangLe Me: heck yes.

disentangLe Me: sweet memories