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That Darn Cat 1997 (Fun Movie Page)

That Darn Cat 1997 is a Movie featuring Christina Ricci, and Doug E. Doug, and the two act as Patty Randall (C.R.), and Agent Zeke Kelso (D.E.D.), not to mention the trained cat named "Elvis" who acts "D.C." (Darn Cat)! This is a really cool movie. Do you like it? I do! Haven't seen it yet? SEE IT! You won't regret it, dudes! If you have seen it and know a site to find the MUSIC THEME for That Darn Cat 1997, please e-mail me at! If you LOVE That Darn Cat 1997 anyways please e-mail me! Thanks, and please check out my Everything Site at!

Why I like the movie

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