Title: Sex and Kreme

Authoress: Robin the Crossover Junkie

Pairing: Spike/Xander, duh.

Rating: NC-17

Spoilers: General season 7, but nothing really big, if you’ve seen the season.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Spike, Xander, ME, the creators and affiliates of ME, or Krispy Kreme. Hell, I’ve never had a Krisy Kreme donut, being Canadian, but I hear they have chocolate covered cream filled donuts. Which makes me want one, cuz I don’t think Tim Horton’s has those. Not where I’m from, anyway.

Dedication: Jilly, honey, it was your idea, and you should suffer for it. But, since you’ve had a rough time of it lately, I’m going to let it slide. But expect some form of retribution at a later date. The rest of you, you know who you are and that I love you. If I’ve spoken to you or exchanged words or feedback through email, consider yourself dedicated to. The rest of you, send feedback. ;)

Author’s Notes: Okay, takes place in season 7, BUT: Spike and Xander have an established relationship (this IS fluff), Dirty Girls did happen, but not the eye-poking thing at the end. Cuz *sob*.





When did we get a vibrating bed?



No. Not vibrating. Bouncing. When did we get a bouncing bed?

Spike scraped open one bleary eyelid, his throat creaking at the sandpaper feel of thin flesh on what should have been slick iris. He snapped his eye closed with lightning speed, hoping beyond all hope that what he had caught a bare glimpse of was a hallucination, the result of sleep deprivation, or a dream.

Xander, fully dressed, was sitting cross-legged on his side of the bed. Bouncing.

“Morning, honey,” Xander rumbled cheerily.

“Hell,” Spike mumbled grouchily.

Xander leaned down and kissed Spike’s cheek sloppily, before resuming his rhythmic bouncing. The headboard thumped against the wall with every bounce, and not in the happy way it usually did.

“Wha tmzt?” Spike asked.

“’Bout 7:30,” Xander replied, and Spike could hear him taking a noisy slurp of something. The smell of hot coffee wafted into his nostrils and he grunted.

“Wh thfuck yadoin up?”

“Willow brought donuts.”

Spike was still amazed that after so short a time together, Xander was already able to decipher his half-asleep speech patterns. Most of the time, even he couldn’t understand what was coming out of his mouth. He lifted his head and shook it, trying to clear the haze of crashing for too short a time after too long a time awake.

“Come again?” He was very proud of himself for how coherently that bit came out.

“Well, Willow felt bad because she knew we were having a date because I’d told her not to call and then they got that lead on the First that after 20 hours of searching didn’t pan out and that was after five hours of sex which was really nice by the way and I’d like to do that again if you’re up for it in a few minutes but the point is she felt bad because we hadn’t had a lot of sleep so instead of going to bed at 6 like you and I did when we got home she went to the Krispy Kreme and bought us a box of chocolate covered cream filled donuts and some coffee and I figured one donut and a sip or two of coffee would be good and then I’d go back to sleep but now I can’t and I was hoping you’d sit up with me and maybe we could have sex.”

Spike waited for his eyes to stop spinning in his head. Why on earth would Willow be so cruel as to bring Xander chocolate and coffee? Did she hate him that much? Was she jumping on the Giles and Wood bandwagon?

“Want a donut?” Xander asked cheerfully.

“What I want, mate, is to go back to sleep. And then I want to continue to sleep for at least 12 hours.”

“But I’m horny now,” Xander whined.

“Well, too fucking bad, because I’m so tired I can’t keep my head off the pillow. Go jerk off in the loo if you’re that bad off. No good can come of any time before 11:00 am in the morning.”

Xander sighed despondently, but Spike paid no heed, promptly dropping his head back to the pillow, closing his eyes and settling in to sleep.




Xander moaned, and Spike’s ears perked up of their own accord.

He knew that the sound he was hearing was not the sound of Xander sucking his dick. He knew that it was actually the sound of Xander sucking the cream filling from his donut (and really, it could have been the same thing for all the effort and passion Xander put into it).

He didn’t care what he knew. The sound was beyond erotic. His cock strained under his hips, pressing hard into the soft mattress.

But he was still tired.

“Do you mind, Xan?” Spike finally moaned, unable to bear the arousing sound any longer.

“Just enjoying my donut,” Xander replied with faux innocence.

“Just….enjoying….your donut?” Spike growled, slitting his eyes open to glare up at Xander disbelievingly.

“Yeah. You know how much I like sucking…the cream out.” This comment was punctuated with another wet suck as Xander fellated the pastry once again, taking more of the cream into his mouth. He rolled it along his tongue, then swallowed thickly, his eyes blinking for half a second longer than normal as a look of bliss crossed his features.

Spike growled.

Spike would sleep. Then he would find Willow, kill her, and go back to sleep.

But before all that, he was going to get laid.

Xander’s eyes shifted to look straight into Spike’s, and he smiled knowingly. Spike just rolled his eyes and pounced.

He used his tongue to sweep out the last traces of cream, and the chocolate on Xander’s top lip from creating a tight suction seal over the cream hole. Spike moaned low in his throat at the taste of cream, chocolate, and Xander. Xander sighed happily as his mouth was explored, his lips suckled and nipped at. Spike reached out and took hold of the donut, to put it on the night table so that it was out of the way.

“Nuh uh,” Xander said, pulling the donut out of Spike’s reach. Spike stretched for it. “Nuh uh,” Xander repeated, pulling it away again.

Spike growled.

“Not done with it yet,” Xander explained, pushing Spike down onto his back. Xander wiggled his eyebrows devilishly, but before Spike could question such an action, Xander was holding the donut over his painfully erect cock, and squeezing, causing the sweet, fluffy cream to glob onto his cool skin. Spike gasped as Xander tossed the donut aside, then began to massage Spike’s dick, spreading the cream out fully over the engorged flesh.

“Jesus, Xan,” Spike murmured, and Xander removed his hand, shoving it in Spike’s face to have the remaining traces of cream removed. Spike licked the hot palm in front of him, the cream thick on his tongue.

He felt Xander’s own tongue make a long, sweeping arc from the base of his cock to the leaking slit and he moaned roughly, his hips twitching, attempting to thrust closer to that hot, sweet mouth. Xander stopped and looked up at him, glaring until Spike continued to lick his hand clean. As soon as Spike’s mouth resumed its actions, Xander’s did as well. Spike moaned between long licks as Xander’s mouth nibbled up the side of his cock, gently and wetly. He gasped when Xander sucked deeply on just the head of his erection, much in the same way he had sucked out the cream from the mangled donut, which was somewhere on the floor by now.

Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, and he roughly pulled Xander up along his body, so that their mouths could meet. He gasped into Xander’s warm, wet mouth, his fingers pressing deep into the muscles around Xander’s hips, sure to leave deeply purple bruises in the morning, but he wasn’t concerned. Xander’s hips were rocking slightly of their own accord, building a slow, gentle friction with Spike’s, while tiny gasping noises came from somewhere in the back of his throat.

“Fuck,” Xander gasped when Spike allowed him to break for air, the vampire still licking and sucking at Xander’s throat, just behind his ear.

In a swift, efficient move, they were rolled over and Spike was on top, groping on the night stand for the large tube of lubricant that they kept there. He popped the cap open with his thumb and squeezed a liberal amount onto his fingers, immediately thrusting two deeply inside his lover’s hot, tight body.

Xander’s breath hitched, his pupils dilating as his hands clawed and scrabbled at Spike’s rippling back. Spike’s fingers stretched him open quickly, the tight burning only adding to Xander’s pleasure as he pressed back into his lover’s hand.

Spike spread Xander’s legs wide, thrusting inside in one deep move, pressing Xander’s legs around his waist as he did so. Xander cried out harshly, his throbbing cock twitching and spurting out a few drops of precum.

Spike began thrusting immediately, his fingers twisting Xander’s nipples, tracing over his shoulders, neck, stomach, as he pistoned his hips in time with Xander’s wild heartbeat. Xander’s legs tightened around him, and Spike moaned as Xander’s inner walls clenched at his erection erratically, making Spike increase his speed frantically.

“Christ, fuck, yes…God, Spike…fuck…fuck me…” Xander moaned, his voice a stream of helpless, breathy moans and gasps. Spike’s hand grasped hold of the human’s cock and began stripping the skin back and forth roughly, wrenching a yell from Xander’s throat as the young man scratched fingernails down his undulating back, blood welling just below the surface. Spike screamed and thrust in harder, choking with rapture as Xander’s muscles tightened impossibly around him, crushing his dick with the most painful pleasure he’d known, hot, thick semen spurting up to land on Xander’s chest and chin, as Spike’s own cool seed flooded the slick walls inside him, so that he was coated with slick seed both inside and out.

Spike stayed pressed deeply inside, his muscles unable to relax until he was able to calm the dizzy rushing in his head. Finally, he pulled out with a slick sound and a disappointed moan from Xander, and curled into the human’s side.

“Now go the fuck to sleep,” Spike murmured. He burrowed his head into the pillow and Xander’s neck and closed his eyes.

Xander immediately began snoring.

“Hell,” Spike groaned with a sulky sigh.


Email: emmytaff@hotmail.com