Title: Breathless

Author: Robin the Crossover Junkie

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: S/X

Disclaimer: I don’t own them, but if I did….think Skinemax with chocolate, baby.

Spoilers: None. I think.

Notes: A true PWP, people. For my Sheep, because it’s her birthday. Happy birthday, Spiffy Da Wondersheep!!!

“What?” Xander asked, tucking his too-long bangs behind his ear self-consciously.

“You are…breathtaking.”

“You don’t breathe.”

It took Spike a moment to respond. “No, I don’t suppose I do.”

“But…you like?” Xander straightened his back a little bit, conscious of his cock growing a little harder, brushing freely against the soft cotton of the kilt he was wearing.

“Oh, I like.”

Xander wanted to say something else, but he made the mistake of meeting Spike’s gaze and was struck speechless by the burning lust in those darkened blue eyes.

“Want to take your picture,” Spike suddenly murmured, and Xander stood dumbly as his lover zipped into the kitchen to grab the Polaroid from the junk drawer.

Spike came back into the bedroom and snapped one picture before tossing the camera, still spitting out the developing picture, onto the soft velvet armchair beside the bed. Then he stepped forward until he was almost touching Xander.

“Gorgeous,” he muttered, drinking in the sight of Xander wearing only the kilt.

“Gorgeous enough for you to strip down and fuck me?” Xander asked hopefully.

“And then some,” Spike replied, still not touching him. There was something inherently wrong with that.

“Then do it,” Xander grinned, and Spike flashed a lewd grin back before tearing his shirt off over his head. Finally, he leaned forward and kissed Xander, both their hands struggling to push Spike’s jeans off his hips and down. When they were finally off, he pushed Xander onto the bed and leaned over him, trailing hot, wet kisses down his chest. He dipped his tongue into Xander’s navel, his hands tracing patterns on the shuddering flesh of his lover’s belly. Xander moaned, and Spike pushed the kilt up around his waist before pouncing, enveloping the hot, engorged cock within his mouth to the root.

Xander loved it like this, fast and frenzied, no time to worry about if this would be the time Spike decided to move onto something better, no time to worry about if this would be the last time. It was hot, pure, animalistic, and completely Spike.

Spike lifted his mouth off of his lover’s cock, pulling Xander’s legs up around his shoulders and delving further down, his tongue stabbing roughly into Xander’s puckered opening. Xander cried out, seeing stars as Spike’s hand wrapped around his shaft and started stroking. Xander’s hips were thrusting of their own accord, but Spike never lost his rhythm, mouth or hand. Just as Xander felt he was about to come, Spike stopped, causing his human lover to moan dejectedly at the loss of contact. Then Spike’s mouth was on his, sucking and plundering, and his back was bent at an impossible angle when Spike lifted Xander’s knees over his shoulders and entered him in one quick, smooth stroke.

Xander gasped, full and stretched, as Spike started moving at a pace no human would have been able to manage. Xander couldn’t catch his breath, because each time he thought he could try to suck in some air, the blunt head of Spike’s cock would stab sharply at his prostate, cutting off all sound and air. Pistoning in and out of him, one hand wrapped around his cock matching and mirroring the rhythm of his hips. Xander could hear the quick slapping of Spike’s balls against the globes of his ass, adding to the sensations in the most pleasurable of ways, as Spike thrust into him again and again, as if he could go on forever.

Xander, however, was only human, and it wasn’t long before he found his voice again, screaming into Spike’s mouth as his cock erupted, spilling his hot release across both their chests, his ass clenching like a vise around his lover’s hammering cock, causing a chain reaction in Spike, who let out a roar as he lost his rhythm, spurting deeply inside.

It was several minutes before either of them could find the strength to relax, flopping to the bed, Spike still on, still in him. Xander moaned hoarsely.

“Fuck,” Spike whimpered.
