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What is your SolarEclipse name? Cydia
What is your first name? Alyson
How old are you? 14
What's your sign?
Western Zodiac:
Eastern Zodiac:

Favorite color? blue
Favorite animal? wildabeast
Favorite book/series? Wizard's First Rule/Sword of Truth
Favorite band/artist/singer/song? Antiflag,...,....,New kind of army
Favorite meal? snack time:)
Favorite ice-cream? the cold one
Worst food you ever ate? catchup
Favorite SolarEclipse Class: bard
Favorite SolarEclipse Race: rhothan
Favorite SolarEclipse Area: highland
Favorite area to level at: kefka
What do you think SolarEclipse needs? Friendlier Atmosphere
If you became an imm what would you do? I'd slay and delete Ariakas repeatedly without mercy
Whats the farthest back thing you can remember on SolarEclipse? hrm...the time i thought '(weapon) feels like a part of you' meant that it was cursed....
What is the Cake song The Distance about? Did you say CAKE?!?!??!