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* What's your middle name?

* What's your sign?

* Where are you from?
Olympus Mons (the 16 mile high mountain), Mars

* If you could be an animal or an inanimate object, what would you be?
are you asking which one i'd be, or if I would choose between the two 
choices? I'd like to be a white wolf.

* What's your favorite color?

* Who would you rather be for a day? The president, the Pope, or Rick Springfield?
rick...who? I'd be the pope. pope is the mack daddy.

* If you could rob a bank and never get caught, would you?
Of course.

* Do you have any pets? What?
I used to have a lizard, but it died.

* You are given one million dollars and 28 cents, what would you do with it ?
$250k on a new house, $60k on 3 new cars, blow $140k, and invest the  rest.

* Who is your favorite band/artist?
Weird Al. Yeah. Definitely Weird Al.

* What is the craziest (most illegal) thing you've ever done?
I killed a man in cold blood. No! I'm kidding!...It was self defense.

* Do you have a talent?
I play games well.

* What Brady Bunch kid would you be?
Greg Brady, 'cause Barry Williams got laid left and right.

* If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

* You can only take one thing, what would it be?
Everything, all rolled up into an egg roll.

* What is your favorite side...French fries, onion rings, side salad, chips, chili, or soup?

* Whats your favorite 80's show? Song?
The A-Team, and 'Fat' by Weird Al.

* Whats your favorite sport/team?
Yawn. Uh, the A.C. Reynolds Rockets. (My alma mater)

* What is your favorite web site?

* What, in your opinion, is the best race and class for a remort one?
Titan warrior. Good stats, easy to play.

* What song do you sing in the shower?
Opera songs - "Toreador" from Carmen, and "The Marriage of Figaro", or 
sometimes "Modern Major General" from "Pirates of Penzance"

* Fill in the blank:
I eat peanut butter, jelly, and mayonnaise sandwiches.