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James Addison Thomas, Sr
December 15, 1863-August 22, 1927

Poplar Bluff MO - Monday Evening - August 22, 1927

J. A. Thomas

Died today at his home here

Widely Known and Highly Respected Citizen Succumbs After Comparatively Short Illness

Death came at 10 O'Clock This Morning

Has Been Head of Doniphan Bank for Several Years - Funeral Services to Be Wednesday

J. A. Thomas, widely known and highly respected business man of Doniphan, died at his home at 311 North B street at 10 o'clock this morning. Death came suddenly, while Mr. Thomas was talking to Dr. Waddle of Doniphan, who had just arrived at his home for a short visit.

About two weeks ago Mr. Thomas became ill from what was termed as high blood pressure. His condition was rather precarious for several days, but during the last few days he has shown a remarkable improvement. In fact members of his family believed he was rapidly recovering and that he would be able to return to his work in the next few days.

Mr. Thomas was born December 15, 1863, near Current View, MO. He would have been 60 years of age next December. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Thomas, farmers. While he was still a very small child, the Thomas family moved to the western part of Ripley County and continued to conduct their farming work.

Taught School

Educated in the schools of Ripley county and Cape Girardeau, Mr. Thomas later taught school for about six years. He was married on May 19, 1895 to Miss Addie Towles. Just a short time later he entered the mercantile business at Ponder, MO. where he owned a store until 1904. At that time, he moved to Doniphan and conducted a mercantile estabishment until 1919. He sold the store and in 1920 he purchased a big interest in the Doniphan State Bank. He was elected president of that bank, an office he held until his death. He has been active in bank affairs at Doniphan since becoming connected with that institution. Mrs. Thomas died November 17, 1925. Mr. Thomas also was head of the Thomas - Johnson Construction Company of Doniphan. Having been associated with various business enterprises in Ripley county since he attained manhood, Mr. Thomas has made good in every undertaking, and is recognized by his many freinds in that county as well as elsewhere as one of the most successful men in the county.

He was a member of the Woodmen of the World and the Odd Fellows faternal organizations at Doniphan and was always ready to do his part when necessary for civic improvements in his community. He has been a material factor in upbuilding Doniphan, and that town is cosidered much better that Mr. Thomas has resided there.

Mr. Thomas was married the second time on June 1, 1926, to Mrs. Ollie Housekeeper of this city. He is survived by his widow and one living son, J. A. Thomas Jr., who is connected with the State Bank at Doniphan. Others surviving him are one sister, Mrs. Mary Smith of Success, Ark., and five half brothers, Ben Thomas of Poplar Bluff, Walter L. Thomas of Doniphan, Albert Thomas of San Antonio, Tex., and Andrew Thomas of Hulbert, Olka.

Short funeral services will be held at the family home on North B street at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, after which the body will be taken to Doniphan for final rites at the Methodist church. The Rev. P. A. Kasey of the methodist church here will conduct both services. The body will then be placed at rest in the Oak Ridge cemetery at Doniphan.

James Addison Thomas, Sr, buried at Oak Ridge Cemetery, Doniphan, Missouri. (Submitted by Jackie Wood)