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bassbunny  ::    my RANT page   ::  bassbunny


...::..:::..:.. October 1, 2004 ..::..:::..:...

Ugh, sorry about the stupid popups. "Hi my name is Tina..." "ARGH, FUCK OOOOFFFF!@#!"

Today's rant is boring and factual as I feel complacent and apathetical. 

Omigod, it's October... Ballantines will be putting up their Christmas display. Christmas, ugh. I'm such the scrooge, man. No presents for you.

Today it's pissing down outside. It has been pissing down all night, it's fantastic. It hardly ever rains in Sydney for more than a few hours so today is special. It's so nice and quiet. The rain is masking the sounds of the traffic. No annoying crows out today. They make evil and disturbing noises.

Last night my sis and I went pubbing in town (when it was dry). Met up with Jo and her friend Brendan and had a few $2.50 drinks, niiiice. Had a pretty mint time overall and finally fulfilled my beer cravings. Had to come home about 12:30 because Nic had work today and so do I. I'm putting in a few hours at reception here while the office goes out to get pissed.

This weekend is a long weekend but that doesn't make any difference to me.

And.. well.. that's about all for my rant today.