
[Last Updated 7.7.04]

So...welcome...to...this. Yeah.

If you're here, you've probably been badgered into it by me, or found this place by mistake. Either way, you've found my collection of plays and various random written things. Me as a writer is kind of an odd thing; I write plays on impulse, and here you will find every (completed) play I've written since the first, which was done around November (i think?) of 2002. Devin was the first one to read it, and I'd like to think that I've gotten better since then. LIKE to. But the reality is that I probably havent. Aww.

Anyway, interesting note, one of my plays (lets say that its my personal favorite), Number Six, recently won first place in the Oregon State Thespian Competition. WOWZA. I'm as surprised as all of you, believe me. I got a little certificate and everything. And, there was supposedly a medal, but David Knowles is holding it hostage, so who knows about that. I'd like my medal, though. :[

Another side-note, Number Six will make it's stage debut this fall when my good friend Devin and Puerto Rican Tamale Rachel and I direct them in the One Acts. Don't know how it will be recieved, but oh well. I recently took a break from writing, but it looks like I'm back at it again, so expect updates...whenever the fuck I feel like it. Oh, and by the way, the term 'blue period piece' implies that it was written during my "OH GOD DANKY DOOM EMO KID WEAR LOTS OF EYEMAKE-UP" stage, immediately following the fiasco with Elliot. Yeah, its angsty depressed girly shit, and most of it isn't worth reading. I'm told that it gets rather redundant, since they all talk about the same thing. No worries, though. I should stop allowing myself to be broken by boys, but girls are fucking crazy, so I guess I'm stuck. Righty-o.

Thanks. Love.


check out my livejournal. All the cool kids have one.

·Waiting Room - My first. It sucks. Don't read it. Its about...shit, can I remember? Oh, its about death, life, and bad people, and whats waiting for us after we die. For Megan; she's the only one that likes it.

·Don't Jump - Everyone's favorite, and probably mine too. Its about a man who's thinking of ending it all when help arrives, kinda. its a work in progress, I guess, but Trisha approves. it'll change. For Devin.

·Love Sucks - I hate this. It doesn't have an ending. I hate it. Its here for archival purposes, but if i find out you read it, i'll hate you too. i wrote this thinking about ante. you know how THAT turned out.

·Freeway - Not shit. Deals with a man, his past, and angels and stuff. someone dies in every goddamned thing i write...i should stop.

·Voices from Upstairs - The most violent play I've written. Lotsa profanity, more death, darkness overall. kind of a downer. duh.

·Number Six - Yeah, I have creative titles, I swear...another favorite, not that theres lots to choose from. about highschool, how i feel sometimes, according to elliot, and blah. i like this one, now that i think about it. read this one instead of Love Sucks. For Elliot.

·Cupid and the Crush - A wierd little play about Cupid and when she gets a crush on a guy. Emphasis on wierd. For Lea.

·Body Electric - Another pretty wierd little play, even though its the longest one so far. Its about a heroin addict and how he can't touch anyone. Theres dream sequences!

·In The Style Of... - A play written just as I was getting my 'verve' back. Ahh. Named for a picture I saw in my OBT program. Its about two people. 'Nuff said. This is dedicated to Maya, because she;s the only one that likes it.

·Like A Samba - A play about love, dancing and other fun stuff. I like this one so far. :] This is for all of the boys I've loved, and all of my dancer friends who understand it all.

·In the Style of..Love - This is based on the other play of mine that shares it's name, but its upgraded to a comedy/wierd/new play. Its longer, newer, contains more. Pretty bad.

·Boy/Love - I need new things to write about...yeah, that explains it, doesn't it? Just a long monologue. Blue Period Piece.

·Believe in - I felt the need. I got the guy names from two guys I met randomly in the hallway today, and this is a play I've been wanting to write for a loooong time, I just had to switch it around to get it to come out. I promise I'll go back to my horribly violent stuff later. This is kinda like Picasso's Blue period, where he only painted about one thing for a while. Well, this is about the same old stuff, but its the last. I promise. Blue Period Piece

·Filthy Secrets - A comedy (I hope) about sex. Very short, only about five pages in Corel.

·Island of God - Another comedy, about a desert island and an encounter with God, kind of.

·In A Cup Of Tea - Its funny, because I got the title from a Japanese ghost story and this has NOTHING to do with that. Its another play. Blah blah. I like polar bears, penquins and octopi.

·Edjoomuhkayshun - A comedy about education. It helps if you say the title outloud. My french name is Anouk.

·The Day Johnny Died - A play about sad people on a rainy night. Needed to write; so I did.

·Don't Jump Into A Cup Of Tea - This is the combined version of 'Don't Jump' and 'Into a Cup Of Tea' (AMAZING!), though the both of them have little changes here and there. How exciting. The reason this is here is that it was a brief possibility for One Acts in the fall, but we changed our minds. :]

·Angie Payne Rules The World - The only non-complete play here. This is HEAVILY autobiographical, incomplete, and filled with casual swearing and flying typewriters.

·Asian Driver - This is a play, written for class so Claire and Rachel would have finals, but everyone thoguht it was pretty funny. Turned out well for something that I had to do, I think.

·Number Six [revised] - revamped version of the old play; more dialogue, mostly.

"Other Stuff"

·One Night Stand In Brooklyn - A non-play fiction piece about a one night stand. Its dedicated to Lea. I'm not sure why.

·A quiz - One of those little forward things you fill in. I couldn't resist.

·Stealing Kafka - This was actually an english assignment...we were supposed to take Kafka's "Metamorphosis" and make it our own somehow, using whatever message we thought he was trying to convey. If you have not read Kafka's work, do so. Whichever is the case, here is my interpretive story. It got an A. :]

·I wish I were a Pirate - An essay about myself and other things. Give it a read. I wrote it at 3:30AM on a Thursday...well...technically speaking, Friday.

·Poem Story - i wrote this about Elliot...its sad...stupid...kind of francesca lia block style, but not nearly as good. kind of like a diary entry, i guess. Blue Period piece.

·Unsent - An unsent letter to someone. Yeah, Elliot, he doesn't read this anyway. Just things I had to get out, but things I might never be able to say to him directly. My past things have been for Maya, Megan, Lea; for people. But this...this is for me. Blue Period Piece.

·nevada haikus - i wrote these during my excursion to nevada. they really suck. haikus are like cheating.

·used and discarded - i forget the official name for these things, but its where you take the first letter of a word and make a poem out of it...or...whatever you call it. yeah.

·aftermath i: mechanics of tears - oh god THE ANGST.

Yeah, so thats it. Kind of a let down? Maybe. So, if you have ANY comments, criticism, suggestions, threats, declarations of everlasting love, requests for nude pics can be sent to redparasol9@hotmail.com. I appreciate it. So thankies. Claire is the shit.
