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    Howdy! My name is Paul as you might've guessed from the name of my web site.  I really like volleyball, but only a little bit of the site is about volleyball.  I've got volleyball clip art and links to other sites about volleyball.  If you want to know a little bit more about me click HERE.   If your really bored click HERE (WARNING! You must be supercalifragilisticly bored to go there). Finally if you think this site is really dumb click HERE.  Hey, I do make an update every once and a while, so come back,really, please do.

Volleyball pictures
 volleyball links

My future and better web site
My mom's bridge site
My xanga site
My biology project
My school work for 10th grade


    Oll uv thee spellin korexinz hav ben made bi mee (Pol).
If yu wood like mea to korekt sumthing yu havv rittin col mee at 555-3825.


Hahahaha, gohan is kicking ass! Wahahahahahaha!