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8.4.02 Update:


Well sirs and ma'ams, Mordent is no more, so this site is basically no more as well. Ricky decided this band just wasn't for him. Just after that, Scott was asked back into the band, but a week later he said that he has no time to be in a band due to a busy schedule. So in result, Mordent as we know it broke up.


But Richie and Brandon didn't just give in and stop there. A new band is in the process of being formed. It looks like the new members will be Richie Hall and (introducing) Tim Tilton on guitars, Brandon Kelly on drums, and possibly (also introducing) Ryan McGreer on bass and some screaming backup vocals. They havn't actually practiced together yet, but the first practice with Brandon, Richie, and Tim will be on Sunday the 11th. The band will start looking for a vocalist in a few weeks.


The band's new genre will probably be a lot more rockish and a lot more lively. Their name is unknown, and will not be decided until the entire band agrees on something. If you have any band name ideas, email Richie and let him know. Any future updates about this new band will be posted on this site until a new website has been created and they have decided on a name. Well that's it for now. ROCK ON! -Brandon




Enter Mordent's old site
(This site has been stripped of some features due to breakup)

Listen to Mordent




Richie Hall

Brandon Kelly

Tim Tilton

Ryan McGreer