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My First Webite                                                                                               

   General InformationInformationPicturesE-mail me - Resume


General Information: Welcome to my pages. I’m just trying to keep up my skills by working on this page thing. Hope you find it interesting and I hope you like the pictures. Any comments or suggestions you can e-mail to me on the link below.

Information: I have lost so many jobs in my life; I probably contribute to the unemployment rate by myself.


Lots of experience, but not in any one particular industry, mostly, a telemarketer talks to people to sell them things. My specialty sale is a mortgage refinance appointment. I can really get them in the door and once they’re in they rarely switch. At least, that’s how it was in the beginning.


These days I’m a security guard and cashier. I work two jobs and go to school full-time for financial reasons. Soon, I hope to just work graveyard security and drop the cashier position.








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