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I would like to give special thanks to Ann Jobe Brown,and her researchers who helped her in her research,to Eleanor and Kirsten special thanks for there pictures. If not for them I wouldn't have the connection to the Jobe's and the Hurst's that I have now.(THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!) All I had to go by was a few picture's with very little writing on the back. My Grandma Mary gave me these picture's when I was about 15 years old. She made trips from out west(Oregon&Arizona)to Pennsylvania almost every summer to visit the Jobe's and her Reed family,until she could no longer make the trip. I have always wished I could of taken her one last time before her passing. Now that I have no Grandparents,or parents to get information from all I had was the internet and all you wonderful people. Thank you all so much.

Family Links:

The pictures of William T.Jobe (Soldier),Abram Hurst,two pictures of
Fannie Hurst and picture of Calin W.Hoffman with Baby Oscar, are
the pictures my Grandma Mary gave me when I was about 15 years old.