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1: Edge
2: Triple H
3: Shawn Michaels

Scene Title: No Giving Up

People Who Helped:

Location:Mostly In-Ring

Status: On Camera

Mauler is seen backstage, by himself. He is pacing back and forth the P.o.D. locker room. He raises his nose in the air quizzically.

Mauler Damn...what the hell is that smell? It smells like a llama's vagina!

Mauler twists his face in disgust and walks out of the locker room. He walks down the locker room and stops at the curtains to the crowd. He takes a step forward and the lights go out and blue lights shine on the center of the ring. Smoke begins to flood in. The words 'You have been warned now prepare for the consequences!' are shouted, followed by Demonoid Phenomenon by Rob Zombie blaring on the PA system.

Lillian Garcia Ladies and gentlemen..introducing, Mauler!

Mauler walks out from behind the curtain, wearing a long, black trenchcoat. He walks towards the ring with the smoke billowing around him. He steps upon the apron and faces the crowd. He enters the ring and removes his trenchcoat. Mauler climbs the turnbuckles and raises his arms out straight, resembling a cross. Mauler climbs down from the turnbuckle and the lights return to normal.

Mauler asks Lillian Garcia for the microphone, and, in sheer fear, Lillian hands him it. Mauler sits down in the turnbuckle, microphone to mouth.

Mauler All week long I've been hearing the same shit over and over. Mauler, there's absolutely NO chance that you're going to beat Powerhouse on Mayhem! He's undefeated! There's not a chance in the world of you leaving that match with anything less than a loss. It's not feasible! For all the doubters out there, I'm about to prove you wrong. All the skeptics who choose to deny my ability in the ring, I'm about to prove you wrong. Those who may not know it, my inner abiku is all that keeps me from destroying that bitch now. I'm not about to be intimidated by Powerhouse. And why should I be? Because he's got two hundred wins with no losses? Because he's the number one contender for the Undisputed title? Is the supposed to strike fear in my mind? Or does it merely make you damn mooks in the crowd look to him more? Face it, you measly shitballs! Your Titan of Trauma...Giant of Greatness...Leader of Legends...shall fall. Now I know what's going through your mind right now. 'But, who gives a hisahoo about you, Mauler?' Shut your asses up and keep smoking your weed, destroying those few brain cells you've got left. You know that half the roster pHw contains isn't even worth my snot! I'm a fuckin' artist in the ring. If you don't believe that, check my oeuvre! I've beaten men in this ring that your hero cannot even compare with! Not only here in pHw, either! I dominated everywhere I've been! Be it the pHw, the wWw, or even the fuckin' SCW! It makes no difference where I go! I am the man either way. Not one man that I've faced has ever told me that I am not worthy of being in the ring with them. Not one man has ever made me feel small. And you fools think that Powerhouse is about to change that? I am the icon of wrestling. I am a wrestling god among mere mortals. And you think I'm about to be moved because this man is big? Because he's never been beaten. Please! Give me more credit than that! I did not get where I am today by being afraid to face men who people thought I didn't have a chance against. No! And unlike Powerhouse I didn't get it by facing people beneath me, either. You've never seen me face an elf in comparison to my giant status. Hell no! Every match I compete in, I'm in it for the exhilaration! The thrill of a challenge! I don't care about a damn record or about making an impact! I'm not that damn vain! No! I'm not in for glory or fame! I'm in it for me. For the joy I feel when I step between these ropes and prepare for my destiny. That's where it lies! To men like him, this is a job. To people like me? It's my life. My life isn't about to end on Mayhem. I'm not going to let it. But...two careers will shatter on Mayhem. And mine is not one of them.

Mauler drops the microphone between his legs and stands back up. He stares at the crowd with a look of contempt. He walks around the ring like a man would walk through a river of bile. He steps out of the ring and walks towards the back, Demonoid Phenomenon blaring as he disappears backstage.

Brought to you through VisionaryProductions in association with pHw