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All About KDAY
Welcome to the "About Me" section! Hopefully here you'll learn a little about me. If you are at the wrong page, or you just don't care then you'll find the Back button located at the bottom of this page, or the one located on your browser, quite useful. Please make a note of it. goes... Name: KDAY *Real* Name: Kristen Residence: C-Town, MO Grade: HS Freshman Favorites- Candy: Gobstoppers or Mike & Ikes Fast Food: Wendy's or Taco Bell Real Food: Chicken Alfredo Color: Pastels Drink: Lemonade Soda: Pepsi Music: Rock & R&B Band: Pillar, Linkin Park and Relient K Song: Don't have one. Dream- Car: BMW Z8 Roadster Residence: California or Bahamas Concert: Linkin Park- main act; Pillar, Kutless, KJ52 side acts. Meal: Salad, Chicken alfredo, Lemonade to drink, and then Cherry Cheesecake! Random Stuff: If I were an animal I would be a: Giraffe If I could have any power I would choose: the ability to fly. If I could be a superhero I would be: Batman