
She stares out into the ocean. She has stood here many times before. Always she goes father than she thinks she will. The dilemma was here now. Her choice was not whether she would go in or not, that choice was inevitable. The choice she had to make was to decide if she was going to come out.

What is it about the ocean that draws her in every time? It was so big and seemed to be endless. Going to depths so deep that it seemed that no man has ever gone that deep. She knows that was faulty. Many people before her have chosen to go the way of the sea.

She looks down at her feet; they are sunk into the sand on the shoreline, as if they were to be planted there forever. She bends down to remove the sand from her feet. Even though she liked the feel of the sand beneath her toes, the warmth that it had provided her from the time she had last gone into the ocean. Still, she removes it, almost willingly. The ocean calls and she must follow what it says.

Stepping out of the sand she walked ever close to the ocean. The sun was beating down upon her and she looked up once more to catch one more glimpse of light, one more ray. Giving a little smile she turns her eyes back to the ocean. The waves beat upon the shore growing close to her. She walks to them, accepting them. The coldness of the ocean makes her shiver, but still she walks.

In waist deep, she lets the waves pass over her. Each seems to be stronger than the last. They try to pull her in on their way back. She’s bombarded by both ends. Feeling trapped and as if she’ll never escape the might wrath of the ocean, the time comes when she has to decide whether to turn and go back to shore or let the sea take her further and farther in. A single tear falls as she raises her arm toward the sun. She lies down on her back as if telling the ocean to come and take her home.