The Chewy Sensation

Chewy chewy chewy chewy, chewy stops the chatter. Becca sat in front of the TV, seeing there was nothing else for her to do in her poor, little life she led. “Psycho”, she thought, “Heeheehee psycho chewy. I’m amused, and I’m talking to myself.” What a pathetic loser she was. She sat, and then Moo2shoes came and said, “moo”. “Now I’ve really lost it!” she said and threw her arms in the air. “B/g” said Sheri. “How’d you get here?” Becca asked. “I am the almighty cheese wizard” Sheri said, “I can do any thing I want. I can even prove things twice in one day.” Becca was amazed by that. They stared at each other like they were psycho…and they were. Then Sarah appeared. “Whoa!” said Sarah and then she ate cheese. “Cheese!” Becca and Sheri said and they both ran towards Sarah to get some. Sarah got scared and ran away. “Hmm, I guess she doesn’t want any.” Said Becca and Sheri said as they ate the cheese. Then there was an explosion. It was the exploding cheese. “Some one is trying to kill us. Hey we could have a party, except we would all be dead.” Sheri said. “How sad!” they thought. Then they went outside and started dancing in the moonlight, and there was no one in sight, as they were dancing in the moonlight. Then they ran into Jeff and his happy flowers (they were skipping in the moonlight). Then they all held hands and danced in the streets, singing songs. The End. “Hold it! I have something else to say, don’t end it yet! Ready? ::Buuuurrrrrrrrrrppppppppp:: Ewww! Okay, now its time for…

The End