Prologue: Welcome Home

This section is rated NC-17!

“Buffy!” Willow called out in the airport terminal. “Over here!”

Buffy’s eyes searched the crowd and quickly found her best friend. “There they are!” she cried, grabbing Angel by the hand and shifting the carry-on bag that hung on her shoulder. They crossed quickly to where Willow stood, flanked by Oz and Xander.

“Hi guys!” she cried, reaching out to hug the petite redhead. “I missed you!”

“Hey there, Buff, Angel!” Xander exclaimed, receiving his own hug. “How was Hawaii?”

Buffy threw a happy glance at a tanned Angel. “Heavenly,” she said, grinning.

Xander’s face took on a shocked expression. “Angel? Is that really you? No more pale-face, eh?” he teased.

Angel grinned. “Yeah…you don’t realize the damage sun can do until you go 253 years without it.”

Oz raised an eyebrow cryptically and shook the former vampire’s hand. “Not so much on the SPF were we?”

Angel rolled his eyes. “SPF 50 wasn’t enough. I spent the first four days in pain.”

“Which resulted in aloe-vera massages, so he didn’t complain too much,” Buffy told them, grinning. “Hawaii was a blast. I highly recommend it.”

“Greetings out of the way, let’s move on to what’s important. What did ya bring us?” Xander asked, taking her bag. They turned to head down to baggage claim.

Buffy rolled her eyes. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Willow smiled, shaking her head. “You didn’t miss much here…routine vamps…Cordelia had a vision that took us to Sacramento, actually, so we sorta got a vacation too.”

Angel’s expression went from one of happiness to concern. “Everything okay?”

The Wiccan nodded. “Oh yeah…got to use some very fun magics. I actually turned something into a toad out of spite.”

Buffy threw her an amused glance. “Well, good for you, Broomhilda.”

“That’s it, really,” Xander concluded as they rode the escalator. “No new prophecies, no new Big Bads…even Spike’s been oddly absent. And that’s a good thing,” he said, reminding them of his intolerance for said vampire.

“Well, good. We all deserved a break after that Champion/Chosen stuff,” Buffy told them, squeezing Angel’s hand.

“Next time we get a break, can I be included in the two weeks to Hawaii plan?” Oz asked, stepping off the escalator.

“Maybe we can go on a trip soon,” Willow suggested, swinging his hand in hers. “You’ve been everywhere, but I've never left the state!”

“Here it is, guys,” Xander told them, indicating the turning carousel yielding their bags. He glanced at his friends and their happy expressions. “Glad to have you home by the way,” he said sincerely.

Angel smiled at Buffy as they began lifting bags off the concourse. “Wait until they see how much luggage you brought back. They might not be as happy,” he murmured.

She swatted him playfully on the arm. “You’re the one in Local Motion insisting I buy every bikini known to man. Not to mention how into bargaining you got at the World Market.”

“Well, those people were going to rip you off!” he cried, defensively. “Remember, I grew up with the barter system. You can’t let them take you, Buffy.”

She rolled her eyes and easily lifted a bulging suitcase up and onto the ground next to her. “Right, Mugsy! We’re not suckers!” she teased.

“Careful little girl,” he warned with a saucy smile on his lips.

“You be careful, tanned man,” she warned back and brought her lips to his for a quick kiss.

“Jeez Buffy!” Xander cried, struggling to lift yet another suitcase off the carousel. “At least one of these had better be carrying a smuggled island-girl brought home specifically for the Xan-man.”

“Sorry, Xan-man. Customs is being a real pain about smuggling in the natives. You know, tax reasons and all,” she told him, and looked around. “…six, seven, eight…eight…that’s it! That’s all our bags.”

Willow glanced down at the tiny luggage cart she had secured. “Good thing you’ve got Slayer-strength and vamp-strength aplenty, ‘cause I think we’re carrying some of these.”

Buffy grinned sheepishly and picked up a suitcase in each hand. “I missed you,” she whispered to Willow as they walked to the car.

Willow leaned in. “I missed you too!” she whispered back conspiratorially. “Welcome home!”


The bags were left in the front hall of Buffy’s home, to be unpacked later, and the group adjourned to the kitchen.

“Anyone up for patrol tonight?” Buffy asked as they walked down the hall.

Oz raised his eyebrows. “You’re patrolling on your first night back?”

Buffy glanced at Angel. “Well, yeah, why not?”

Willow threw her a look. “You’re still on vacation. Until tomorrow anyway. No patrol tonight.”

“Oh come on!” Buffy whined. “Hawaii had like, no vampires. Not even a little demon. It’s been two weeks since I’ve killed something.”

“You’re such a romantic, Buff,” Xander quipped.

“Yeah, well,” she said, entering the kitchen. Her eyes went wide. “Giles!” she exclaimed. “And Anya!”

“Welcome home, Buffy, Angel,” the Watcher answered her, smiling sheepishly.

“This is great!” she told him, throwing her arms around him in a loving hug. The room had been decorated with a few streamers and balloons to brighten it, along with a giant “Welcome Home!” sign over the kitchen table.

The former librarian returned her hug and shook Angel’s hand. “Yes, well. You must thank Cordelia and Anya for the decorations.”

Anya smiled. “Yes. Cordelia and I shopped for these tissues strips, then hung them up in creative patterns.” She approached Buffy and Angel then reached out and patted them both on the sides of their arms. “Welcome back to your home,” she said, smiling.

Buffy and Angel glanced around the room. “Where’s Cordelia? And Gunn? Wesley?” Angel asked.

“We’re here, we’re here!” Cordy cried, running in from the backyard with a giant submarine sandwich. She skidded to a halt and sat the sandwich down, Gunn following her.

“My man! All dark and healthy looking. Looks good on you!” Gunn said enthusiastically slapping Angel’s hand. “A few more days in the sun and you’ll be rivalin’ me for color.” He turned to Buffy and grinned, enveloping her in a hug. “And Ms. Summers my dear, vacation obviously agrees with ya.”

“Hiya Gunn!” she said, hugging the tall man. “How went holding down the fort?”

“All’s well,” he reported. “A little side trip to take care of a medium-sized nasty, but other than that, smooth sailing.”

“Forget about that,” Cordelia complained as she began to slice the huge sandwich into manageable sized pieces. “Tell me all about Maui. I’ve been, of course, but it’s been years.”

“In a minute, Cordy,” Angel murmured, coming up behind Buffy and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her back to his chest. He planted a kiss on top of her head and looked around at the happy faces of his friends…his family now. They had only been gone for two weeks, but these people had missed them enough to throw a small welcoming-home party. He realized with a grin that he has missed them as well. //They're family.//

“I hope you don’t mind all this,” Willow said, indicating the food and a small cake that were laid out on the table. “We just wanted to welcome you home, and figured you might want something besides airplane food.”

Angel grimaced. “Don’t remind me. I thought that now that I could finally eat real food again anything would taste good to me. I was wrong.”

“I told you before you left, pack snacks or it’s peanuts all the way,” Cordelia reminded him, passing out plates. The group dove into the sandwich and potato chips that had been put out for them.

“Where’s Wesley and Chelsea? And Olivia?” Buffy asked in between bites of her sub.

“Wesley and Chelsea had to stay in LA I’m afraid, but they sends their greetings,” Giles said, making his way around the table collecting food. “Chelsea broke her ankle and has trouble getting around. And Olivia is closing the gallery this evening. She said to tell you both welcome home and that she’ll see you tomorrow,” pride for his wife reflecting in his voice.

Olivia had long ago taken over the gallery where Joyce Summers had once worked and spent nearly as many long hours there as her predecessor had; but it paid off. The gallery was the most prestigious in Sunnydale, and had recently been featured in California Art World magazine.

“Chels broke her ankle? How? Is she okay?” Buffy asked.

Giles nodded. “Yes, she’s fine. She just took a nasty turn on an escalator, but I assure you, she’s quite all right.”

“So…dish!” Cordelia exclaimed. “Two weeks of sun and surf…did you see any celebrities?”

Buffy swallowed a potato chip and shook her head. “Um…well, we got there and our hotel was beautiful…this gigantic suite with a bathroom the size of our high school. We did the ocean thing, we saw the Aquarium, took a boat tour of the island, we shopped…most of our time we spent on Front Street, this cute little strip of restaurants and tourist traps. Then we flew back to the main island for two days before coming home.”

“And every night we went down to the beach and watched the sunset,” Angel concluded.

“There was some mention of presents…” Xander wheedled.

Buffy grinned. “Fine, fine…hang on.” She dashed off to the front hall and returned with the overstuffed bag she had been carrying when they got off the plane.

“Me first! Me first!” Xander cried.

Buffy dug in the bag and produced a t-shirt of wild Hawaiian print. “I saw it, and about a hundred others, and instantly thought of you.”

“I wonder why,” Anya muttered, looking over her husband. Xander was dressed in his usual interesting choice of clothing, this time in loose navy parachute pants and a bright orange bowling shirt that said “Mr. Zingy” on the pocket.

“Thanks! I love it,” Xander grinned.

“And this is also for you…” she handed him a long, slim box. Inside was a rope necklace with a single bead threaded onto it. “The bead has the word “friend” written on it in Hawaiian,” Buffy explained.

Xander stared at the necklace, touched. “This is really great, thanks you guys,” he said softly.

“Willow…this is for you,” Buffy said, and handed her a book.

“Oh! Thank you! The Craft of the Islands: Hawaiian Legends, Myths, Curses and Spells. This is great!” the red head exclaimed.

“And, this is also for you,” Buffy told her, handing her a tissue wrapped object. Willow opened it to discover an ankle-bracelet made of multi-colored stones.

“Thank you,” she said, and reached to hug her friend.

“Me next!” Cordy ordered.

Angel rolled his eyes and took the bag from Buffy. “Cordelia…Cordelia…” he said as he rooted through the bag. “Here it is…” He handed her a small box.

Cordelia took it from him gently and opened it. “Oh…” she whispered and lifted out a small amethyst charm. “It’s beautiful!” Buffy grinned. “Look in the center of the stone.”

Cordelia held up the lilac piece and gazed at it. “Is that a flaw?” she asked skeptically.

“I told you that’s what she’d say!” Buffy shouted gleefully, grinning at Angel.

“No, it’s not a flaw,” Angle told the brunette. “It’s the stone’s eye. We thought of you…beautiful on the outside, with a special gift inside.”

Cordelia’s expression softened instantly and she reached up to hug the former vampire, her eyes not leaving the charm. “Thank you,” she whispered. Leaning back she threw Buffy a grateful smile.

“Next!” Anya called.

“Next…Oz,” Buffy said, reaching into the bag. She pulled out a CD and handed it to him. “We heard this band one night at a club that was actually called “Oz” and thought you might like them. They have a really great sound.”

Oz smiled. “Thanks, very cool,” he said, and opened the case to study it.

“And…the very masculine version of the bracelet Willow got,” Buffy said, handing him an identical tissue-wrapped package.

Willow grinned and began helping him put it on.

“Gunn,” Angel said, digging deep into the bag. “For you,” he said, handing his friend a long, flat package.

“Thanks, man,” Gunn said, and opened it. Inside was beautiful pocketknife. “Wow…”

“The handle is whale-bone. I hope you like it,” Angel said almost shyly. “I love it, thanks,” Gunn said sincerely, giving Angel a one-armed hug.

“Anya…this is for you,” Buffy told her, handing her a large box. Anya took it from her, her eyes shining, and opened it immediately.

“Oh, thank you very much!” she exclaimed as she lifted a lovely beaded bag out of the box.

“I got that from an old woman at the World Market, all the beads are hand-sewn,” Buffy told her.

“And finally,” Angel said, interrupting. “Giles.” He lifted out a plastic bag that contained a single piece of heavy paper.

Giles looked at his gift, slightly confused, until he turned the bag over. “Tom Selleck!” he cried. “You met him? You met Magnum P.I.? You got his signature?!”

Buffy and Angel grinned at his excitement. “We did. He was there shooting a Magnum P.I. reunion movie set to air sometime later this year,” Buffy told him knowingly.

Giles eyes widened. “A reunion? Really?”

Xander and the rest of the group stood in awe. “Giles, the man who once said that television was the end of intelligence world-round is a Magnum P.I. fan?!” he asked incredulously. “This is it. It’s another sign. The world is about to end.”

“I liked Higgins,” Giles said absently, running his fingers over the photograph. “And I wanted a three-wheeler like TC.”

“And you!” Xander turned to Buffy and Angel accusingly. “You knew of this wealth of information about Senor Stuffiness and you didn’t share?!”

“I can’t share all my knowledge. The world’s not ready for it,” Buffy joked.

“We have presents for Wesley, Chelsea, and Olivia, too,” Angel informed them. “We’ll leave them with you guys if that’s okay,” he said to Giles and Cordelia.

Willow hugged Buffy. “Really, this is too much. You must have spent your entire vacation shopping.”

Buffy grinned and wrapped an arm around Angel’s waist. “Not all of it,” she teased sexily, kissing him on the lips. “Besides,” she said, turning back to Willow, “after all that we’ve been through…a book doesn’t really even begin to make up for it.”

“I love it,” Willow told them, “thanks. Now,” she said, turning back to the others. “Time for us to go.”

“Go?” Buffy asked, glancing from Willow to the rest of her friends. “Where are you going? Aren’t we going out on patrol?”

Willow took Buffy by the shoulders, her expression serious. “No. It’s still your vacation. You two have one more evening of snuggly time before it’s back to beheadings and evisceration.” The serious look was wiped away by a smile. “Enjoy!”

Angel threw Buffy an amused glance. “She’s tough.”

“But fair,” Buffy agreed, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his nose. “We really have no choice. We’ll have to spend the evening alone.”

“I think I can handle that,” he said, moving in to kiss her deeply.

“Okay, okay!” Cordelia cried, bustling past them. She unceremoniously dumped some dishes in the sink and turned to face them. “Sex time doesn’t start until Vision Girl and Co. have left the building. Come on you guys,” she said to the rest of them.

Buffy grinned sheepishly and walked her friends to the door. “Will? Oz? Where are you going?” Since Buffy’s mother died six years earlier Willow had shared the Summers’ home with the Slayer. A month earlier, when their friends were all brought together as The Ten, Oz had returned and stayed, rejuvenating his relationship with the Wiccan.

“We’re staying elsewhere tonight,” Oz told her. “Part of that whole ‘you’re still on vacation’ plan the cute redhead’s all fired up about.”

“Ah,” Buffy said. “Right. Well, thanks, but it’s not necessary.”

“But we appreciate it,” Angel interjected quickly, leaving no room for argument. “See you guys tomorrow.”

Oz threw him an amused grin and walked outside, the rest of the group following him, calling goodbyes and welcome homes as they passed the Slayer and her ex-vampire.

“So,” Buffy said when the door was closed. “Welcome home.”

“So,” Angel replied, moving in to press his lips to hers. “Welcome home.” His lips moved over hers, gently, testing and teasing at the same time. Her arms came up and around his neck and she found herself lifted off her feet. Turning but never losing contact with her mouth //such a sweet mouth//, Angel began taking the stairs up to her bedroom, easily holding her.

“We have to figure out a living arrangement,” he mumbled in-between kisses.

“Later,” she murmured, pushing the door to her room open. “Much, much later.”

He made a sound that she took for agreement as she gently detached herself from his muscular body. Stepping back she began to undo the buttons to the linen dress she had bought in the islands as he watched, appreciatively.

He had been human now for just over a month. One month of breathing, of sunshine, of normalcy, and he still couldn’t get over it. The way he felt, that rush of air from his lungs, that quickening of his heart, just by simply looking at her. And there were other bodily reactions when she was undressing. His heart was thudding in his chest at a pace he knew couldn’t be healthy.

She seductively undid button after button before stepping out of the dress and letting the fabric pool at her perfect feet. His breath caught and his senses buzzed. She was beautiful, standing before him in undergarments that consisted of mere whispers of fabric. //Where’d she get those?//

“Those are new,” he commented, his fingers itching to remove the white bra and panties.

She posed for him. “I did some shopping while you snoozed by the pool this morning.”

“I approve,” he whispered huskily, crossing to her. “I did some shopping, too.”

Her eyebrows raised. “You did?”

He nodded and reached into his pocket, producing a small box. He handed it to her and sat on the bed. Buffy’s heart lurched. It was a jewelry box, small and black velvet. A ring box.

“Angel, what is this?” //Oh my God, Oh my God//

“Open it,” he said, a small smile on his face.

Excited fingers were also clumsy fingers and she fumbled to open the simple flip-top lid. When she did she gasped. “Oh my…” It wasn’t a ring, but instead a cross necklace made of the prettiest mother of pearl. “Angel…this is…unnecessary…gorgeous…ooh…so pretty…but unnecessary. You don’t have to buy me things.” //Not a ring…but still…//

He smiled, showing his perfect white teeth. “I want to. I finally can. I have five years to make up for…but I promise, this is the last cross you’re getting from me.”

Her heart swelled and her eyes filled with tears. “The first present you gave me was a cross.”

His eyes showed acknowledgement. “But the last one I give you won’t be, I swear…we have years and years now…many more presents to come.”

“Thank you,” she said sincerely, as her smile changed saucily.

“What?” he asked, reading her.

“Care to have a Titanic moment?” He looked confused as she stood up and put the necklace on, then removed her undergarments. Realization dawned on his face. “But I’m not letting you draw me,” she whispered.

“I think we can find other things to do with our time,” he said, his breath coming quickly.

She walked to him and stood between his legs as he sat perched on the end of the bed. Slowly she removed his shirt, taking her time with each button, her eyes never leaving his. She pushed him back on the bed and then began to remove his trousers as his body began to quiver at her touch. A moment later she moved on top of him, straddling his body with her lean, tanned legs. //Such a hard, perfect body// The necklace was nestled between her upturned breasts and he reached up, taking the cross between his fingers and marveling at the simplicity of the act, an act he would not have been able to perform a month ago.

She watched him under heavy-lidded eyes for a moment, then took his fingers in hers and moved his strong hand to her breast. His fingers instantly responded, expertly moving over her nipples and causing a low moan to emit from her throat. He watched her expression, the way her mouth formed a perfect “O” as he increased and decreased the friction, and felt himself grow hard.

She felt it too and began to move her hips over his in lazy circles. //Mmmm// His thighs clenched at the movement then relaxed and he joined her in the slow rhythm. Lowering herself to him so they were chest to chest, she took his lower lip between hers and suckled it, her hands running over his chest and through his hair, down his arms and lower until she had a firm grasp of his pulsing member. Still rocking herself against him she began the familiar up and down motion that she knew would make him growl. //You can’t take the beast out of the man…// She wasn’t disappointed. At first touch he let out an animalistic hiss of pleasure, as his head lolled to the side, lips trembling.

She smiled, pleased with herself, and increased the rhythm, enjoying watching him writhe beneath her. Her hips began to pump a little faster, a little harder against him as her hands worked him expertly.

“Buffy,” he moaned, his hands seeking her hips. He held her, using his hands to control her body. Abruptly she stopped the work with her hands and with a sly grin her mouth resumed the rhythmic up and down action, her throat working his swollen head, her lips teasing down to the very root. “Oh God,” came his response to the change of medium.

Her tongue and lips bathed him leaving her hands free to roam over his thighs, to his buttocks //God he’s got a great butt//, and over his chest, teasing his nipples with her fingertips. Angel’s back arched as she increased the power of her cheek muscles and quickened the pace of her eager tongue. “Buffy,” he gasped. //Sweet Jesus// “You have to stop…” he warned.

She looked up at him and grinned. “Why?” she asked.

“Because,” he growled, grabbing her arms and using his lower body to flip her onto her back. He pinned her arms over her head. “I want a turn too.”

He moved with lightning speed over her body, one hand holding her arms down, the other exploring her body as his mouth moved over her neck, nipping at his mark, his tongue flicking like a serpent over her golden skin.

“Oooh,” she gasped, her body twitching involuntarily at his touch.

He grinned slightly at her reaction and moved his mouth over one of her perfect breasts, his tongue laving her nipple, nibbling at the peach-colored nub that hardened instantly. He ran his teeth over that nub, teasing it even more taught before moving to the other and evoking the same response. Her body quivered as he released her arms and moved lower, kissing her torso, moving lower still to run his soft lips over her hip bones, licking gently at her inner thigh before he nestled himself between her legs.

Her body bowed when his tongue found her center, slick and hot. “Angel!” she cried desperately, her hands fisted in his hair urging him on. “Oh God…” she panted.

His tongue flickered gently then roughly, alternating the movement and pressure until she was wriggling beneath him, her body quaking. Her hips gyrated, pumping, begging him. He concentrated on the outer lips, bathing them with his mouth before moving back to the hard nub that sent her rocketing over the edge. “Angel! Yes!” she shouted, her body arched, her fingers twisting themselves in his hair.

When she began to calm he released her, moving up her body until his lips found hers and assaulted her mouth. She returned the brutal attack eagerly as she clamped her legs around his hips and locked them into one being. “Buffy…” he moaned as he sank himself deep inside her. She said nothing but began pumping her hips, rocking him, her inner walls tight around him.

“Angel,” she whispered, opening her eyes and finding herself staring back at his own chocolate pools. “I love you.”

“I love you, Inouin,” he whispered back, kissing her as he moved within her. His lips traced over her own, then over her cheek and down to her neck where he licked at his mark once again. Testing her he nibbled at it, the bloodlust that had once consumed him now gone, but not forgotten. The sensation of drinking from her was not something he would forget even now that he was human again.

“Yeeeesss,” she moaned when he teeth nipped her skin, not breaking the surface but sending enough sensation to her system that she increased her speed and found herself tumbling over the cliffs of ecstasy once again. His lips suckled the mark, remembering what was once second nature, and he too fell over the edge, meeting her thrust for thrust.

When they came back to reality he rolled off of her, quickly moving an arm underneath her damp body and pulling her to his powerful chest. She nestled there, cradled in his arms, panting, eyes closed.

“I never get tired of that,” she whispered.

He smiled up at the ceiling, his breath beginning to slow. “Me either.”

“I love you, Angel. More than ever…” she whispered, sleep beginning to claim her.

He pulled her closer to him and closed his eyes, breathing in their scents. “I love you too, little Slayer,” he murmured, sleep lulling him as well.

Chapter One