Buffy’s brow furrowed as she held the phone up to her ear. “What’s wrong?”

Wesley's voice came over the line, sounding much harder than she remembered it being. “Spike is in Los Angeles…being held by a law firm here, Wolfram and Hart. I’ve learned something about him recently…something disturbing. Do you know what I’m speaking of?”

Buffy’s eyes widened and she moved further into the house, away from Willow, Xander and her sister. “Wh-what?” How did Wesley know of her involvement with Spike?

Wesley sounded surprised. “Spike has a soul now, Buffy…You—you didn’t know?”

“I—I--” her mouth worked to form the words before finally shutting completely. “No. I knew,” she told him stoically. “I haven’t said anything to…to anyone,” she admitted with defeat. “I don’t know why…I just haven’t. I didn’t think it was important.” But she knew…on the phone with Los Angeles now, that her silence had been a mistake. How could she not think this would be important to Angel? Even if it meant nothing to the world, it would mean something to him… Regret sunk in her stomach.

Wesley was quiet for a moment. “I see.” Once glance at Angel told him the vampire knew what her answer had been. His face, already stony, solidified even more so. “Yes, well…”

“What does a law firm want with Spike?”

“I—we know of some prophecies to which Spike might be useful,” Wesley told her. “Pertaining to apocalypse and the like…things that we have, until now, thought revolved strictly around Angel.”

The mention of his name tore through her more than she’d expected, and much more than she liked. “Oh.” Shaking off the unsettling feeling she quickly filled him in on the events of the night before, involving Spike’s kidnapping and leading back up to the dream Faith.

“It seems quite a lot has been happening in the past few days,” he murmured, turning away from Angel again, though knowing full well the vampire could hear him even should he cross the room.

“And in my book, that’s never good,” she replied with a heavy sigh.

“No,” he agreed.

“I was calling to see if you guys would mind checking on Faith, maybe paying her a visit. This bad feeling isn’t going to go away. I’m worried about her, Wesley. And now with the lawyers taking Spike…and…well, everything else…it all spells brewing evil.”

“I’d have to agree,” he said softly.

Buffy was silent for a moment. Then, “Is he right there?” she whispered, hating herself for even asking the question.

“That’s correct,” Wesley responded, respecting her wish for privacy.

She nodded to herself. “Ah. Okay then…I—I should go. I guess…tell them…if you think it will matter…we’ll be in LA soon, sometime tonight I’d imagine.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Oh…you’re coming here?”

“Faith’s in danger, Wesley. She can’t protect herself in prison. And if this is what I think it is…”

“Will you…ah…will we be seeing you, then?”

Buffy hesitated for only a moment. “You guys know where Spike’s being held, and more about the city than I’ll remember. You can also point me in the direction of Faith. And if she’s in danger…strength in numbers might be necessary.” A new thought took root. “Oh…do you think…does he, they, do they not want us…?”

“No, no, of course. I’m sure it won’t be--” Wesley replied uneasily.

“Hand me the phone.”

The stammering ex-Watcher looked up in surprise as Angel presented him with an outstretched hand.

Wesley hesitated just a moment before murmuring into the phone. “Buffy, just a moment, please.” He passed the handset to Angel and quietly left the office, turning back Cordelia and Fred as they pushed in to hear better.

Taking a deep breath, Angel put the phone to his ear, opened his mouth to speak, then shut it again almost as quickly. He could hear her light breathing on the other end, and for a moment he was content just to listen, unsure what he would say to her even when forced to speak. In his mind he’d left her in her dormitory, with the soldier smoldering on the other side of a solid wood door, a peace made between he and the little Slayer he’d still thought of as his own. Faced with the knowledge that that memory was probably a long time gone in her head, he was at a loss.

Buffy listened to the nothing coming over the airwaves when a familiar tingling started at the base of her spine. “Angel?” she asked softly a second later and he almost dropped the phone.

“Yeah…Buffy? It’s me.”

She’d known, but didn’t find it necessary to say so. “I--How’ve you been?” she instead replied.

“Heh…well, better, I guess,” he said lightly. Conversation it was, then.

“Oh…good. Good. Wesley said you guys…that you lost your memories…”

He forced a chuckle. “Yeah…something like that. I’m sure it’ll be cleared up soon.”

“Yeah…that’ll be good,” she said lamely and almost smacked herself on the forehead. Stop being an idiot and get to the point! “I’ll make this short, so you can…get back to whatever you’re doing. I have to come to LA, and I could use your help, if that’s okay. I have to find Spike.”

“Why?” he asked gruffly.

“Because…I have to.” She paused, knowing that reason wasn’t good enough. “It doesn’t matter.” There was silence on both ends and she plunged ahead, figuring that getting to the point would make things easier. It had to. “I was calling you, calling LA…because Faith’s in trouble.”

So she’d called here, not the other way around. “Faith? What’s wrong?”

“I can’t explain it, but I know she’s in danger. It’s a long story. If we have time, I’ll fill you in when we get to LA. Just…trust me.”

It wasn’t a question for either of them. Trust was simply implied. “Of course,” he answered her quietly. “I…I don’t remember where…is she…?”

She came to his rescue, reading his thoughts. “Yes…she’s still in prison. But that’s all I know. I thought maybe you could see what else you can come up with. I’ve got Giles poking around at the Council headquarters, too, so hopefully that will turn up something.”

She sounded tired, and he wished he could ask her the million questions screaming in his mind, but instead he stuck with the simple, the obvious. “Giles is in England?”

Buffy didn’t answer him at first, then remembered he wouldn’t know that…even if his memory was intact. “Uh…yeah, he is.”

Angel sighed in frustration. Was he supposed to know that? “Okay…you said you’re coming to LA. Are you coming here?”

The silence on the other end of the phone was disturbing.


“Do you want me to?” she replied finally. “I could use your help…but I don’t want to…because of…”

His shoulders, and his heart, slumped. “Oh…right. Riley.”

“Riley?” Her tone was one of complete confusion. “Oh…no, Angel…he’s—”

“No, it’s fine. I don’t want to cause problems for you two,” he backpedaled, feeling completely stupid.

“Angel,” she said firmly. “There’s no Riley now. It’ll be me, Dawn, Willow, and Xander.”

Relief flooded through him and he sagged against the wall. “Oh…that’s…I’m sorry,” he said sincerely.

His sincerity made her smile. Always her sweet Angel. “It’s okay. It’s been a long time now. I don’t want to bother you, that’s what I was going to say. I know you’re busy…and now with all the added confusion, having me barge into your life probably isn’t what you need.”

He didn’t bother to mention that despite his seeking her out so many years ago, she had in fact barged into his life in a way he hadn’t expected and would never regret. Never had he thought that by helping a Slayer, albeit a beautiful, lost and lonely girl, would impact his existence in such a way. Never had he thought that because of one girl would he be taken to such incredible highs, and such gut-wrenching lows.

“No…that’s fine. I’m glad to help,” he said instead.

She nodded on her end. “I’ll be leaving tonight, if possible.”

“Of course. It’ll be like…old times. Working together. All of us.”

“Yeah…just like that. Maybe Willow can help you with your memory spell,” she offered.

“That would be nice,” he said politely.

“So…oh…I probably need directions. That last time I was in LA we were in your old office.”

He remembered, probably more clearly than she did at this point, and recited the information to her as she scribbled it hastily.


“Apparently I live in a hotel now…there’s plenty of room,” he offered awkwardly, then stopped. “Oh…wait. You’ll want to see your dad, I’m sure. Will you stay with him?”

Buffy licked her bottom lip. “No…no…I don’t think that will be happening. Another long story. I’ll talk it over with the guys, but I’m sure…free room and board…You meant it’s free, right?”

He chuckled, something he hadn’t done in over twenty-four hours, and the sound of it made her smile as well. “Yes, free. I’ll have the maid make up some rooms.”

“That would be nice,” she said after a moment. “Well…ah…I’ll just see you in a few hours, then?”

“See you then,” he confirmed.



Buffy clicked off the phone, aware that he had yet to hang up on his end, and stared at the white GE cordless in her hand. Well…as uncomfortable conversations went…

That probably wasn’t even the beginning.


Lilah observed with delicious, restrained excitement as the task force cleaned and repacked their supplies. “Thank you, all,” she said graciously as they filed out of the room. “You’ve been most helpful.” Once they were gone she shut the door quietly and turned back to Spike, still chained, and hanging limply, in and out of consciousness. His chest was covered with ugly burns and scars, results of the stream of tests performed on him in the past few hours.

She walked to him and lifted his chin with her hand, waiting until his eyes drug themselves upward to meet hers. “You passed,” she told him, and let his head snap back down. Striding to the desk she flipped through some paperwork and closed a file, turning back to him. “My assistant will have you cleaned and dressed. You’ll be given time to rest and eat. I’ll be back later.” She marched out of the room without a glance back.

“Treat him well,” she warned Katrina, who stood outside awaiting orders. “I want a team dedicated to seeing that he’s comfortable, but not too comfortable. Set him up with a room, perhaps in the Arms. See that this goes no further than necessary. I want to present him to the Board, and then to the Senior Partners, as a complete surprise.”

Katrina gave her a knowing nod. “Of course.” She took the files from Lilah’s hands and they walked a few feet together to the elevator. Punching the “up” button, they waited together. “I trust it went well?”

Her boss grinned like a satisfied cat. “Very well. Our boy is exactly what he was claimed to be.”

“And Angel? What will become of him?”

“Nothing,” Lilah said sharply. “His status, his importance to the firm, doesn’t change. Not until we know if Spike will play ball. And even then…I’m not taking risks. Two is always better than one. Even when it comes to vampires.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stifled a yawn.

“You should get some sleep, you’ve been up for over twenty-four hours,” Katrina said sympathetically.

Lilah threw her a wry look. “I will soon. I want to look in on the other operation.”

“It’s going quite well, so I’m told,” Katrina informed her. “I checked a few hours ago and the things were progressing on schedule. Last night’s mission was successful.”

“Fine.” The elevator doors opened and Lilah stepped inside. As they closed she informed Katrina, “I’ll just take a look for myself, then head home. Contact me if you need.”


Xander Harris zipped closed his duffel bag and tossed it next the front door of his apartment before heading to the kitchen to water the one plant Anya had left him.

“I can’t believe that thing is still alive,” Willow commented, following him into the kitchen and leaning on the counter across from him.

He snorted softly. “Yeah…my first thought was to give it a nice drink of Windex, maybe with a chaser of Draino, but I just can’t let it die.”

His words were sad, and Willow knew he missed Anya, the plant being one of the few pieces of her that still belonged to him. “Did you tell her we’re leaving?” she asked quietly.

He scooped some plant food into the pot and began spreading it out. “Yeah. Called her earlier to let her know. I asked her to come with us, but she felt strange about it.”

“Can’t say as I blame her.”

“No…” he shook his head after a moment.

“But she’s doing better?”

He recapped the plant food and put it back on the shelf above the sink before stopping and looking his friend in the eye. “Yeah, I think she is. We’re…not friends, but it’s nice to know that she doesn’t want to liquefy my intestines anymore.”

“Even if she could,” Willow added. “Always a plus.”

He gave a sad smile. “Yeah…her not being a vengeance demon anymore…it’s a perk.”

He walked away to grab his coat and a pair of shoes and she followed, slipping into her jacket. He closed up the apartment and they didn’t speak again until they reached the street. “You think…going to LA…that it’s a good idea?” he asked, tossing his bag into the trunk of his car before coming around and slipping into the driver’s seat.

“You mean to help Faith?” Willow asked, fastening her seat belt.

The car started easily and he pulled away from the curb. “Yeah.”

She shrugged. “It’s important to Buffy. And if someone really is taking out Slayers…that’s serious. We’re doing this for Buffy.”

“What about Spike?”

Her shoulders slumped. “I’m not crazy about the idea of him being responsible for the end of the human world, that’s for sure.”

“So you agree with her, running off to save his hide? After what he did to her? What he’s done to all of us?” he exclaimed.

“We were going to LA before we knew that Spike was there,” she reminded him. “Two birds. One car trip.”

“One stake, one vampire,” he groused under his breath. They drove in silence for a moment. “I just can’t believe she didn’t tell us he got his soul back.”

She gave him a knowing look. “Would it have made a difference to you?”

“No!” he cried before he could catch himself. “But still…it’s info. It’s vital.”

“I guess she just felt like…with all the Spike stuff that happened before, she was waiting for a good time to tell us.”

“She should have told us,” he repeated.

“I wonder how he did it,” Willow mused. “Those are powerful magics…dark. It would have taken someone pretty powerful to be able to perform the spell. Where do you think he went?”

Xander shrugged. “He was gone all summer.”

“Was he? I mean…Buffy found him in the school, so I guess he could have been there for a while.”

“Possible,” he said, pulling into Buffy’s driveway. “The walls move down there…not something we installed, I promise,” he clarified, off her look. “He could have been hiding down there for months and we wouldn’t have known.”

Dawn’s head peeked out a front window and disappeared a moment later. “Before they get here,” Willow said quietly, “do me a favor. Just…help Buffy. I know you don’t want to rescue Spike. I’m not crazy about protecting Faith. And to add to all that, I’m sure throwing in the Angel factor is going to make for some crazy ranges of Buffy emotion. But…”

“It’s for her,” he finished as Buffy and Dawn came out of the house, bags in tow. “Got it.” He opened the door and got out of the car, taking Dawn’s bags from her and plopping them in the trunk next to his and Willow’s. Buffy set hers down as well, along with several heavier bags that caused the car to settle a bit as she put them in.

“Weapons,” she answered simply at his quizzical glance.

He nodded and shut the trunk. “Ah…good thing we’re not flying.”

They clambered back into the car, Buffy sliding in the backseat next to her sister. “Okay…everyone’s had their bathroom break? Seat belts fastened? Car-sick bags at the ready?” Xander teased as he backed the car out of the driveway.

“Road trip!” Dawn cried merrily. “I call first CD!”

The compact disk belonging to a popular new bubblegum girl group landed in the front seat between he and Willow. Xander glanced at it, shuddered, and sighed. “Only two hours, only two hours, only two hours.”

As the music started, Buffy rolled her eyes. “I didn’t pull you out of school, or take vacation time, to listen to this the whole way up.”

“Nope. You pulled me out of school, and used your first, precious few days of vacation time--”

“Which I had to beg Principal Wood to let me use on short notice,” her sister reminded her.

“—to take me to Los Angeles, not to see Dad like you’d have your boss believe, but to hunt down demons and try a completely risky rescue operation on a vampire.” Dawn looked across at her with complete satisfaction as she continued to sing.

“The girl has a point,” Xander added, eliciting a kick to his seat by Buffy. “What’s the plan, by the way? Are we going straight to this hotel Angel suddenly owns, or what?”

Buffy stared out the window. “That’s probably where we’re going to stay. I don’t know. We’ll see how things are when we get there. It might be easier if we’re all in the same place, if we’re going to work together.”

“What’s our first priority when we get there?” Willow asked.

“Faith,” Buffy said firmly. “I want to go visit her, if possible. I called Giles and told him where we’re going and why.”

“How’d he take the news about Spike’s soul?” Xander wanted to know.

Buffy sighed. “You can imagine, not well. He wasn’t real happy.”

Dawn wrinkled her forehead. “Why? Isn’t this a good thing? Spike’s like Angel now.”

“He’s nothing like Angel,” Buffy snapped, then softened her tone apologetically when all eyes in the car fell on her, surprised. “It’s not he same thing,” she tried again. “Spike…he’s only had his soul back for a little while now. Angel spent a hundred years trying to get over the things he’d done without it, and he’s still not there. I think that’s what’s making Spike crazy. It’s all coming back to him and it’s too much to take.”

“Angel’s the king of pain,” Willow said softly, turning on the seat to face Buffy in the back.

Buffy nodded. “Even when…even after he became Angelus again…he suffered for his actions with a hundred years in hell.” The image of shoving her sword through Angel’s stomach flashed in her mind, haunting her.

Willow looked back at the youngest Summers. “Spike hasn’t had a long time to repent, or to have remorse.”

“So we’ll give him time,” Dawn insisted.

“I don’t plan to live another hundred years, do you?” Xander called as they headed onto the highway.

“Wesley said there are prophecies that they thought were talking about Angel, but now they could also be about Spike,” Buffy added.

Willow frowned. “So they’re about a vampire with a soul.”

“Probably,” Buffy nodded. “And he mentioned apocalypse.”

Xander grunted. “Not my favorite word when we’re talking about Angelus or Spike. That’s right behind ‘rectal’ and…just about anything, actually.”

Dawn rolled her eyes. “Ew.”

“So the lawyers snatch Spike because now he’s another vampire with a soul…and maybe he’ll be willing to work with them?” Willow asked, turning over the theory in her head.

“Sounds like it. Angel wouldn’t go for,” Buffy added with finality. She didn’t need to be told that. She just knew. “So I’m guessing they decided Spike was their new golden boy.”

Xander sighed. “Between this and the Winnebago trip from hell, I’ve really decided that we can’t travel together.”

“I liked the horses,” Willow put in with a pout.

They rode on in silence, save for the pounding beat of Dawn’s music.

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Chapter Eight