Buffy flew from her seat as Willow walked into the room. “Got what?”

“It didn’t hit me until Giles called this thing a ritual, not a spell like we have been. That probably shouldn’t have mattered, but you know…there’s been a lot of stuff going on, I’m not at my best.”

“It’s all right, Willow. We’re all tired. What did you find?” Giles said.

“Well, you know Ms. Calendar wasn’t a practicing witch, but she did keep her hand in the mix a little bit, enough so that she knew what she was talking about. I mean, she recreated the curse for Angel. Well, several times in her files about Angel, rough drafts of the curse and stuff, it mentions the word Shanshu. But it’s in Latin and Rumani or whatever language the Rumani spoke, so I’ve never been able to really read it. Look,” she said, handing a journal and some loose papers to Giles.

Giles took them and excitedly began to study them. “Here it is…’The Ritual of Shanshu is meant for the Champion,’ and in parentheses it says “Angel,” ‘when the time is right he and the Chosen’, Buffy,” Giles explained, “’will be summoned. Once Shanshu is achieved the Champion will take that which he needs from the eight elements.’”

“Eight elements?” Gunn asked.

Oz furrowed his brow. “There are eight of us…eight to form.”

“What does Angel need from us?” Cordelia asked.

“I don’t know,” Giles admitted. They were silent, thinking. After a few moments, Oz raised his hand.

“Uh, guys?” he said tentatively. “I’ve been thinking about this a little bit lately. Been tossing this theory around in my head. We all pretty much come from different places. I mean, Willow, Cordelia and Xander are really the only three who are from Sunnydale. Buffy and Gunn are from LA. Giles and Wesley are from England. Angel’s from Ireland…and well, lots of places. I wasn’t born here. Anyone ever stop to think about the coincidence that we’re all a part of some written prophecy that’s, well, old, and somehow we all ended up meeting each other years before it goes down?”

Xander looked at him quizzically. “Translation?”

“Think about it. Something big is going to happen tomorrow night. All the information we keep finding says that this has been destined to happen for who knows how long. But I’m thinking that this has been planned…having us find each other, out of all the billions of people in the world. Specifically us."

Willow nodded. “Like we’re meant to be friends? We were drawn to each other rather than to anyone else?” she asked.

Oz nodded sagely. “Something like that. This prophesies…it says Angel needs something from us. From us,” he repeated, looking at each member of their group. “That could be kinda cool, I mean, unless it means that Angel needs like body parts or something, but…that kinda sounds like the rest of us are important parts of this thing. That we’ve all been drawn here together.”

“Yeah!” Xander cried triumphantly. “You and Mr. Champion over there aren’t the only ones who have destinies anymore!” he told Buffy.

“So you’re theorizing that it’s no coincidence that we’ve all come to know each other?” Wesley asked Oz. Oz nodded. "Interesting."

“So we’re only friends because some prophecy’s thrown us all together? I don’t buy that,” Gunn said.

Everyone stood, thinking over Gunn’s words. “I don’t think that’s right,” Buffy said slowly. “A prophecy may have brought us all together, but it couldn’t make us love each other. We don’t have to be friends to perform this ritual…right?” she asked the Watchers.

“I’m sure you’re correct, Buffy,” Giles said tenderly.

“We’ve become a family on our own,” Willow added.

“Of our own free will,” Wesley said.

“Even me?” Spike asked.

Giles rolled his eyes. “Yes, Spike, I suppose you could say even you.”

“But still…it was cool enough when Buffy and Angel were part of the Big Game of Life, now that we’re thrown in the mix…well, let’s just say, a whoo and a hoo for us,” Xander said, grinning. “Unless it does involve us giving Angel body parts.”

“I’m sure it doesn’t. I mean, what kind of Champion’s going to go around looking like pieces of us?” Oz told him.

“Lop-sided,” Gunn threw in. “Devastatingly handsome, but lop-sided.”

“You can’t have my hair,” Anya told Angel. “Or my eyes!” she added quickly. “And you can’t have Xander’s pe—“

“Ookay!” Xander interrupted with a blush. “Well just leave it at that."

“Anyway,” Buffy cut in. “Does it mention how we’re supposed to go about this little ritual?”

Giles furrowed his brow as he continued to read. “There are notes in the margin but I’m afraid they aren’t very clear. Several times the phrase “no will of their own” is written, but each time it’s surrounded by question marks. It seems Jenny didn’t know either.”

“Keep reading. Willow, I can help translate the Latin, as can Angel,” Wesley told her. She handed him the rest of Jenny’s notes and texts.

“So the rest of us just keep researching?” Anya asked. “Seems pointless. The ritual's going to happen whether we want it to or not, and it's going to either result in a blood-bath where we all die or a baby.” She glanced at Buffy. "Which, I understand, is also somewhat bloody."

“Such lovely imagery," Xander muttered, steering Anya away and plopping her down with a book to begin researching.

“Right,” Buffy sighed, pushing Anya's comments from her mind. “Guess I’ll join in. Book me,” she said to Giles. He handed her a heavy, dust covered leather-bound book. She looked down at the cover. “Stop this crazy party train,” she muttered and took a seat on the couch.

Angel remained leaning on the arm of a chair, deep in thought. He rose a moment later. “I’m going to get some air,” he said, and walked to the front door. He stepped out onto the front porch, oblivious to the worried glances his friends exchanged. Buffy got up to follow him.

“Hey,” she said, and joined him on the porch steps.

“Hey,” he answered, glancing over at her.

“Some night, huh?”

He let out a short laugh. “I need a vacation.”

“I’m a bit prophesized out myself,” she admitted. She looked up to see the moon, one day short of being full. “Twenty-four hours from now…”

“Yeah. You’ll get to kill me for a second time. I think that’s even illegal in Texas,” he joked.

“Well, I’ve gotten used to ducking the law.”

He quieted then and glanced down at his hands. “Can you do it?”

She thought about it. “I don’t think I have a choice.”

“You don’t.”

“Neither do you.”

“No will of our own,” he said softly.

They exchanged a tender glance, then turned back to staring at their hands. “Can you believe this is us?” Buffy asked. “All written about and important? I mean, I didn’t even make it into my high school yearbook. Of course, that was mainly Cordelia’s fault, but still.”

“It’s funny. I can handle the mystical prophecies, turning evil then turning human, no problem,” he said casually. “It’s the simplest thing that I’m having a hard time with.”

“What?” Buffy asked him gently.

“The child.”

She looked down at her hands. “Oh.”

“It’s not that I wouldn’t want that, don’t think that,” he said, rushing his words. “I would love that more than anything. It’s just…I kind of gave up that dream a long time ago.”

She gave him a small smile. “You don’t hear about too many vampires passing out cigars, I guess.”

“Not often, no.”

“Well, it’s like you said earlier. Prophecies don’t always come true…I mean-“

“Buffy,” he said, taking her hand. She raised her eyes to meet his. “I believe it.”

His words, so simple, touched her to her core. “You do?” she whispered.

He nodded. “I don’t know why, but I do. I guess if we can make it through everything else that’s supposed to happen, that seems so easy…so natural. It can’t not be true. A Triumphant or not, I would like nothing more than to have a child with you.”

A tear escaped and she reached for him. He hugged her tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“You’re welcome,” he said softly in her ear. She pulled back and kissed him gently.

“I think that’s the reason I’m going to be able to do this tomorrow night. Knowing that someday, we could have that…” she told him.

“It’s the reason I’m not afraid anymore,” he admitted.


She watched the exchange lovingly. “Perfect,” she whispered.

“They’ve found your papers, then?” the man asked.

“Yes father, they have. It’s only a matter of time. Willow…" She smiled fondly. "I knew she’d remember. So smart. One of my favorite students…” she said softly, reminiscing.

“You’re too soft when it concerns them, Janna,” the man chastised her.

“Perhaps. I just want to make it right. I failed them before. I didn’t keep them apart, I didn’t warn them what would happen,” she said, a hint of anger creeping into her voice.

“You couldn’t have known they would grow to love each other,” the man told her.

“But I did know, I saw it. Everyone could see it. They’re perfect together. It’s when they’re apart that things really go to hell.”

“They are destined to be with each other. That much is true. From the beginning, time and fate have worked hand in hand to see to it. Do not blame yourself for what happened so many years ago. As you can see, they have returned to each other. They just needed a little guidance,” the old woman said, approaching them from behind.

“Can he control the demon inside?” Jenny asked her.

The old woman sighed. “He has it in him. Now he has more reason than ever. He doesn’t know it, but the love for the girl was already enough.”

“So they will succeed?”

The old woman turned and looked out over the town, waited. “The Powers will not let even me see the outcome. We will have to wait.” She said finally and shuffled off, the man following her.

Jenny turned back to the town once again. “Make it right,” she said to the dark.


The evening grew later. As with the night before the group grew tired and Buffy decided it was bedtime.

“There’s one extra bed room upstairs, then couches and stuff down here. I’ll get some blankets and pillows,” she told them.

“Buffy…they can go home,” Angel told her.

She stopped short. “No they can’t…remember? Vampires out for our heads?”

“It’s fine. They won’t be harmed. I warned the vampires back in the sewers. Told them to tell their friends no one is to be harmed.”

“What makes you think they’ll listen to you?” Xander asked.

“I told them they had to wait…until tomorrow night,” he admitted, ashamed.

There was an uncertain beat in conversation.

“They won’t hurt us because they think you’re waiting to turn…so you can have a go at it,” Spike realized before grinning evilly. "Very nice."

“Something like that,” Angel said uncomfortably.

“Oh, that’s just great,” Xander muttered.

“Whatever,” Cordelia said, rising from the couch. “It’s bought you guys some time. I mean, Xander, Giles, do you really want to sleep on the floor, or in your own beds?”

“I’ll play Scout Leader…get your stuff,” Spike told them. “Make sure everyone’s all safe and snuggly tonight. Rather sleep in my crypt anyway.”

“Tomorrow, meet back at the magic shop. If we’ve got free passage until tomorrow night, and the plus side of daylight, we should be safe there,” Buffy said.

Xander and Anya headed out the door with Wesley, Giles and Spike quickly following them.

Cordelia and Gunn walked wearily up the stairs and into their room. Willow and Oz straightened up the books. “We’ll get it tomorrow guys,”

Buffy said gently. They looked at her gratefully and headed to bed. “Goodnight,” she called after them.

Buffy turned out the lights and locked the doors before heading to the foot of the stairs. She turned to Angel. “Coming?” she asked. He nodded and followed her to her bedroom.

She left the overhead light off and flicked on her bedside light instead, which was now standing on the floor as a result of the broken nightstand. A soft glow filled the room.

“Remember the first time you slept here?” she asked him. He gave her a small smile.

“Yeah, I do. Do I have to sleep on the floor again?” he teased.

She grinned. “Not if you’re good.”

“At least I won’t be hiding in your closet in case your mom comes in…” he said before he realized what he was saying.

“It’s okay,” Buffy said quickly.

“No, Buffy, I’m sorry. That was insensitive, I wasn’t thinking.”

“It wasn’t. Really. She’s been gone for a long time. I know you didn’t mean it that way.”

“I didn’t.”

She smiled and held out her hand to him. “Let’s go to bed, okay?”

He nodded and took her hand. They came together slowly. “Do I have to turn my back while you change?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Can you do that and undress me at the same time?” she whispered.

He shivered. Slowly he unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall open. “So soft,” he murmured, running a finger over her navel.

She jerked. “That tickles.”

“Sorry.” His hands splayed her waist and he knelt in front of her, bringing his lips to her belly.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he placed random kisses over her abdomen. She ran her fingers through his hair and held him close to her.

“God you’re beautiful,” he told her, looking up.

She smiled. “You make me feel beautiful,” she whispered to him. He stood, kissed her deeply.

“Tomorrow night…”

“Shh…” she said, placing a finger over his lips. “Not now. More of this,” she ordered. “Close your eyes.”

He did as she asked and felt her begin to unbutton his shirt. Her hands ran over his chest, felt each muscle tense as she did so. She leaned in and kissed his lips gently, so gently. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” he returned, his voice taut with emotion. He felt her move away from him, heard the creak of weight on the bed, and followed as she led him to her.


The next morning dawned bright and cheery, but not, luckily, in the room that Buffy and Angel shared thanks to closed blinds and curtains.

They woke, hearing movement in the hallways, and rose slowly. When they entered the kitchen a while later they found Cordelia and Gunn, as well as Willow and Oz, were already up and eating.

“Morning,” Willow said somewhat sleepily. “Waffles. Eggs. Toast. O-Neg.” She said, pointing to each.

“Breakfast of Champions,” Oz joked. He was greeted with sleepy stares. “Sorry, too early?”

“A bit. I’ll laugh in about twenty minutes after main-lining some coffee,” Buffy told him and started to fix herself a plate.

Angel looked worse than the rest of them and Willow commented on it. “Not used to sleeping at night,” Angel told her.

“I talked to Wesley this morning,” Cordelia said, taking a bite of waffle. “They’re already at the shop, but they said no hurry for us. Not that much left to look up I guess.”

“What are we going to do today?” Gunn asked.

Buffy shrugged. “I don’t know. We still don’t know the where, when, or how parts of it. And I have a feeling we’re not going to find out much else from reading books.”

“Ms. Calendar’s papers said ‘No will of their own.’ Maybe that means we should just let things happen,” Willow suggested.

“Could be. I’m just not real big on surprises,” Buffy said, pouring syrup on her waffles.

They continued to eat in silence, taking their time. A short while later breakfast ended. They packed up the books and laptops and headed out to the magic shop.

Chapter Fifteen: Heartache