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~Only God Can Judge Me Now~

~My fav things bout the summa~

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6th page of pics!

¤A Lil Bout Me¤ Sup withcha? My name is Cari Partin! I'm 15y/o, a Sophie & I'm from the one and only Portageville, Mo! I have short blonde hair, green eyes, dark tan,5'2& 98lbs!I gotta say one thing, I CAN'T STAND hoes, bitches, and players. I'm NOT single. I'm goin with the greatest guy in the world. Martin Andrew Hensley(Bubba)! I love him so much and nothing is going to tear us apart. I dunno what I'd do w/ out you. So all u hata's out there need roll out my biz and mind your own! The thing that I can't stand the most about ppl, is when they TRY to be cool, and be someone their not. If u are one of them kinda ppl, don't bother talkin to me. I drive a 2002 silver zx2 coupe! For fun I like to spend all of my time with my baby. I don't play n e sports this year. I love talkin on the phone to my sweetheart Bubba, spendin time w/ my family, spending time with my baby &listening to music. My favorite kinda music is Rap. I have lots of friends that mean the world to me. I'm not gonna try to name em. Now I'm gonna talk bout my family. Of course I have a ~Mom~ and ~Dad~ whom I love very much! I get in trouble w/ them but who doesn't! They aren't strict but they do care for their little girl! I have 2 older brothers Christopher Adam Partin who is 22 and Corey Allen Partin who is 25! Chris is married to Wendy Michelle Rudd,and they have the prettiest little girl ever. Her name is Tatum Alyssa Partin and she is 4 y/o! She is the sweetest lil thing! And of course I am the baby of my family! HeHe! I have a chocolate cockerspaniel puppy named Spanky. He is very hyper and loves to chew on feet! HaHa! Welp thats pretty much all I gotta say so if ya wanna know n e thing else jsut lemme know! *I just wanna say that all u immature lil fuckers that are puttin shit in my guestbook and slambook about not likin me, I know who the fuck you are so why don't you grow up and get a life instead of playin stupid ass games because I don't give a fuck if you like me or not, you can kiss my ass and go to hell! View My Slambook! | Sign My Slambook! View My AdLib Book!
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get this gear! 120 days 'til I turn 16!


Well what can I say! Bubba is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I dunno what I'd do w/out him. We have had our good and our bad times. I have known Bubba for 5 years. We have been together on and off for along time. Meeting him was like a dream come true. There are so many things that I love about bubba, that I can't even begin to say. Alot of people think me and bubba shouldn't be together, but I really don't care what people think. People are always askin the question what does love mean to you, well me and bubba bein together for so long and lovin eachother so much, I think that is real love. There is nothing me and him haven't through together. He is always there for me when I need him and he makes me so happy. I would never leave bubba or not be there for him. He means to much to me.

After our last break up I never thought me and him would get back together and it broke my heart. When we got back together it was the best thing. All of our friends say that we are gonna leave high school and get married. Well I hope so. I love bubba with all my heart and no one and anything is gonna change that. Alot of people try to be haters and break people up. Well I got news for ya'll me and bubba love eachother, so fuck off. And all you hoes that think u can have bubba, think again cause he is taken. Bubba I hope you understand and special and how much you mean to me. I could never be without you again. It kills me not to be with you. I am so glad everything changed this time. I hope it works out. I love you so much baby!
