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~!*¤Audra Lee Elizabeth¤*!~

~!*Fave Past Times*!~-

~!*A couple of my grlz pages*!~

¤Britts Page¤
¤Auties Page¤
¤Sexy Necks*Betz W* Page¤
¤LowLows Page¤

Hey my name is

~!*Well If you couldnt tell my name is Audra Lee Elizabeth Miller... I am a JuNiOr at New Madrid County Central *NMCC* proud Home of the **EAGLES**... I am a Christian, Well I try... I think I am gettin' better at it.. I go to first Church Of God in Lilbour Missouri... More about me.. well prollay the thing that I am mostly about is ~M'town~ Marston Missouri where I live I guess by that I mean my home my family and my **M'town Clique** which are my two best friends... it is one of them nosey little Leave it to Beaver towns.. but I like it pretty well...It is a town in the bootheel... it is just a country town and I LOVE COUNTRY NOW soo I guess you could say I am just a
¤ Well a little more on my personality.. I am a LOUD person.. I like attention but hey dont we all!?...I am really in to politics Autie calls me ¤¡M짧^¶ð£ítìÇ壡¤ half the time haha...I am pretty crazy I like to be wild sumtimes.... I really really like kenny chesney.. and I have gotten really really in to country haha...I will try anything Once.. dont mean I will keep on but I will try it once haha...I love my friends and family VERY much.. and I dont know what I would do with out y'all love ya.. but y'all have ur own pages down further :) Well a little more about my school... our GREAT EAGLES are *00-01* 3A STATE CHAMPS... I got to go to Columbia both years to watch them play lemme tell ya they are the stuff... State has been a blast specially 01 *sum get that haha*...and we got 2nd in state*02*...We are pretty well known all around Missouri for outstandin' performance in sports :) Our football team go 2nd place in state this year :) We had a REALLY REALLY good season... Our Cheerleaders got 5th at State.. which is really good cuz this is their first time competein' :)... Well I am NOT SINGLE I am going out with a guy who is the GREATEST we never argue about anythang.. we just get along soo well its perfect just as he is...I dont intend on bein' single for a really long time.. oh well it is Thomas Widner from P'ville *GO DAWGS* (just for you babe) cuz god knows I dont think that haha.. EAGLES TO THE CORE!! well thats it for him!!Oh one more then about me you might like to know.. is I LOVE TO TALK...I talk alot.. I usually aint shy at all... I love to meet new ppl so you can talk to me sumtime if ya see me :)!! I have icq 75436194 and aol I usually use JsBoo04 so you can holla I will talk hehe. Well I guess that is it about me or well all you need to know so sign the Gb or whatever I end up gettin down there and visit any links I got!

Love Alwayz ¤Audra Lee Elizabeth¤

O yeah one more thing about me.. I am class of *04* the to core and here is our motto...

Юîñk âñРЮïvé... †åKè Ά §£ðw... Hã†ë †hé ¶£âýé®... §MÅÇK Ðã HØËŠ.. Kîñ í§ FûÑ... Wå†ç# Ùš Gó... Ù †#îñk Û gõ‡ §KΣ£Z...? wê Gó† Mô®é... ß/Ç wé‘®ê... †#ë ¶ÍM¶ ç£á§š øf 2004

*I Love My WebPage now go sign my GB and tell me how much you love it too*:)

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My Page To Britty Michelle

My Page to our lil grl clique

My Page To Autie Nicole

My Page To The Hater Paul Rizecker

My Page to most of everybody else

This is my page to my TWIN Manda Irby!!

~!*stuff I like check this out*!~