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Warren: Well, I wanna start off by asking, how exactly did 36CF get together?

Brock: Well, we were all friends in the scene before we played together. When all of our bands disbanded, we all hooked up.

Warren: cool

Warren: Being from Alaska, was it at all hard to make the transission to playing here? Was it like starting over at all?

Brock: Playing where?

Warren: Well, basically, I just mean was it like starting over in the sence of re-building a newer fan-base?

Brock: Nah, I think people are people ya know..I mean at home we had alot of friends so when we moved noone knew us, but we do it the same way everynight regardless if theres 2 people or 2 thousand

Brock: though i will say some nights are better than others

Brock: hahahahaha

Warren: haha true

Warren: I know you guys played the scene in Alaska a good while before moving to Portland, How was the scene up there?

Brock: Man it's a beautiful place and I miss it very much. There was a time when the scene really kicked ass and it kinda goes through lulls but I know there are some really good friends of mine in bands up there and the scene is taking off agian.

Warren: thats good to hear, maybe some more bands from that scene will surface eventually

Brock: yeah, I really hope so, there is a tremendous amount of talent up there and I believe if we were closer to the states youd hear more from bands up there..but im doing my part ya know and trying to help out bands like bands did for us

Warren: How do you feel about being the first rock band to be signed from up there?

Brock: Ummm being the first band from there really is cool. But I wouldnt say we were the best band from there, however im very proud of where we come from and we represent at all times about alaska

Warren: After your cd is released in April, do you have plans to tour? If so, who do you plan to go out with?

Brock: Definitely, we plan to stay out on the road as long as far as who were going out with is yet.. that is still to be determined..but I know lots of rumors are flying round and they all sound good to me, I just really cant wait

Warren: awesome, hopefully you'll come close

Brock: Yeah, I hope so. I've met alot of cool people on the net and it'd be nice to put a face to them

Warren: Heh, always.

Warren: Anyway, As a musician, how you feel about where you are musically?

Brock: hmmm..well I guess im glad at what we have accomplished thus far in our carreer..theres definitely room for improvement, but im proud of our debut

Warren: Yeah, that can be said for numerous bands.

Warren: All part of making music.

Brock: yeah it is.

Warren: What bands are staying in your cd player these days?

Brock: the new poison the well is very boys in a band called delmag from ak..and the thursday disc all good stuff

Warren: Yes man. I'm an avid thursday fan myself, and ptw is always nice. heh.

Brock: cool

Warren: I know there is a song on it called "All I Am" (one of my favorite 36CF songs). Why is it that this song wasn't released on any previous recordings?

Brock: it actually was on a demo

Warren: Oh really? Which one?

Brock: Well we made a lil e.p. called "and hope withered away" that actually never made it out of the house. But its around here somewhere which actually kinda bummed me out, because the cover was pretty cool.

Warren: thats to bad

Brock: The recording was pretty horrible, which made for the reason of never being put out.

Warren: ahhh, well I guess that makes sence

Brock: yeah

Warren: Is there a single 36CF song that in your opinion is the perfect example of what you guys try to accomplish with your music?

Brock: Not really, because they all kinda have there own life..I mean there are some that hit me hard when I hear them but I cant really say one song that sums us up musically

Warren: good answer.

Warren: Ummm, if you could go back in your life as a musician and change something about how it came to be, would you?

Brock: I would have made our old bass player never get in the car that he died in..not to say anything about us now, but I miss him quite a bit.

Warren: yeah man, thats definately very shitty

Warren: luckily you guys recovered, but surely it felt, and will feel wierd....

Brock: Oh yeah, I mean Mickey is my brother ya know, I love him to death and he made us a very solid band. So I'm very thankfull for him.

Warren: Yeah, definately what you guys needed

Warren: he filled the right shoes

Warren: Anyway man, are there any final thoughts or thank you's you would like to express?

Brock: Well just that I hope people like the record and get something from it.

Warren: Cool, surely people will.

Warren: Anyway, as always, thanx for your time bro.

Warren: We'll be in touch

Brock: Right on man, thanks.