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Logan: How'd the tour go... did you guys get a good response from the fans?

Brock: Yeah it was good ya know..real hard core kids weren't really into it..but it was good

Logan: That's good. Enjoy playing with Nora I take it, since you always talk about 'em?

Brock: Fuck yeah, they're the coolest guys ever and when you see them live you break out your notepads cause its off the chain

Logan: Ha ha, cool. I've been really into them lately, too. I've heard from various people that your new album sounds amazing. Do you have a favorite song off of it, or are you stoked about the whole thing?

Brock: Yeah, I dont know. There are a few new ones I'm really into but I've listened to it too much..I'm stoked about it though..I'd say "An Agreement Called Forever".."Slitwristtheory"..who knows. They're all solid i guess.

Logan: Cool. So is Thomas as lazy as he seems, or is it all an act?

Brock: Oh no, he's pretty..lazy...but it depends on what he's doin..he plays drums all fuckin day.

Logan: Where did the songs "All I Am" and "Eight Minutes Upside Down" come from. I've done research and found all the track listings to your indi releases and didn't find those songs anywhere, but the mp3's are available.

Brock: Yeah, they're kinda old but they'll appear on the cd. They're a little different now..but just revamped.

Logan: Cool. How did you guys end up meeting Skinlab?

Brock: Just was a big fan... went to a few shows and when we started makin' a name for ourselves around Portland the local promoter put us on a show with them and just became good friends..we're real tight.

Logan: That's cool. You guys have any bands you wanna tour with lined up yet?

Brock: No not really..after the xmas shit they'll get it together..

Logan: Are you guys kinda like celebrities in your hometown now that you guys have been signed?

Brock: I dont know about that, but we've been around for a while and the city is small and there is a great number of friends who support us, so it's just more like everyone's real cool you know?

Logan: Yeah. What do you think has been the best CD of the year so far? Any new bands you've been impressed with this year?

Brock: I cant remember if it came out this year... I think it did... yeah it did... Haste... "When Reason Sleeps" is great... and probably a few others... At The Drive-In was pretty unique.

Logan: Yeah. What's in your CD player right now?

Brock: VOD

Logan: Old album or new album?

Brock: Bliss to Devastation. Whats in yours?

Logan: Ahh, my CD player... Chimaira - Pass Out of Existence. Been there for the past 5 days

Brock: Chimaira..good stuff.

Logan: Very good stuff.

Logan: What did you all do before you got signed? Did you have any weird jobs?

Brock: I worked in a custom decor shop... we created an environment for what ever event people were having... awesome job.

Logan: How come Mick and Steve don't talk on your message board as much as you or Thomas?

Brock: Mick doesnt have a computer and Steve isn't really the chatty type.

Logan: That would explain it.

Brock: Yeah.

Brock: The fan pages you made are cool, thanks!

Logan: Hey, no problem. I wanted to... since there were hardly any on the net.

Logan: Okay, time for something different. Mind playing a round of word association?

Brock: Shoot.

Logan: Alright, Beer

Brock: Coors Light

Logan: MTV

Brock: Sucks

Logan: Nu-Metal

Brock: Not us

Logan: Osama Bin Laden

Brock: Jerk

Logan: Asshole

Brock: Exactly

Logan: Good call... Alright, enough games. Interview is almost over...

Logan: Got anything to say, any final words, plugs, anything for the fans?

Brock: Fist in the air!

Logan: Alright. Thanks!

Brock: You got it