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36 crazyfists web was created on 3.4.01 at 9:33 PM GMT

site updates/news

this site is obviously dead for good. i decided to put it back up, however, because it is the first ever fan site after all. ;D

added a bunch of great live photos taken by vikingsgrrl.

new wallpaper in downloads section.

yet more tour dates...

added another interview.

even more tour dates..

added a bunch of tour dates to the shows section.

also, i added a new image for you all to link to this site with. go see it here. it isn't exactly small, but i hope it's alright. i might make it a bit smaller later.

i'm a little late, but i still added the march 1st show to the shows section.

i added a new link. go to the links section and check it out.

well, as most of you have heard, the record's release has been pushed from march 26th to april 2nd. also, i added bassist mick whitney's email address to the contact section. check out the art section to see some awesome art by marco!

i've gotten a lot of good feedback... thanks to all who gave me their opinion on the site. anyway, i have 4 new wallpapers up for you all. one of each member. also, maybe some new art coming from me and/or some other people. be watching, i'm still here, tweaking away.

release time: 9:26am CST. i'll be fixing bugs for awhile. just bear with me... i'll have some new artwork and/or a new wallpaper before the day is over.

hopefully the site will be released tonight. i only have one or two sections left, and then all that's left is an enter page. i'll spare the crappy flash animations this time :)

i'll be working all weekend on the new layout. hopefully a new wallpaper or two will come out of this also :) i'd really like feedback... all comments are welcome. either drop a message in the guestbook or go to the contact section to get a hold of me.