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April 15, 2003

Game Commentary

Well, I worked hard, and now I'm proud to introduce the Civil War II paintball scenario game commentary. Right now, I only have game one done, but its enough so you won't be disappointed. You can get to it by CLICKING HERE!

April 14, 2003

War is over...

Hey everyone, I know you've probably been waiting on the update of the big paintball scenario game I went to. Well, I'm here to tell you its almost here. I've been waiting on Battle Creek to put the pictures up on their site, but its taking them awhile. I went ahead and made a map of battle creek using the one they gave me. I showed all the movements of each team, and I'll write out what all happened. So be patient, the big update will come soon!

April 4, 2003

Off to war...

Tomorrow is the big day! I'm heading to Battle Creek paintball tomorrow for the big scenario game Civil War II East vs West. I'm awaiting a package from that has my Dye Ultralite barrel and a steel-braided line for my gun, since the microline started to leak on me. If the package doesn't come today, I'll probably ask Noah if I could use his gun, since my gun will be useless. Its supposed to be about 50* during the game, meaning the CO2 will most likely be freezing up in the gun. Not good, especially if I don't have an expansion chamber on my gun. Anyways, back to talking about the game, I'm on the East team, who will be attacking first. I signed up to be a medic, so I can heal up people who are hit (except being hit in the mask). Hopefully I might keep our team strong so we can win. Wish me good luck, I'll be taking pictures and I'll update saturday night on how it went! Peace out!

March 10, 2003

Just another little update...

Just letting you guys know that I'm having some computer troubles, so I might not beable to update very much (can only do it at school.) So if you don't hear much, its b/c of that.

February 25, 2003

Just a little update...

First off, I'd like to wish Ryan Derks, Kristine (my sister), and Ashley Griffin a happy birthday. I know Derks is the only one that visits this site, so I guess the other two are missing out. Anyways, I re-redid the links section, so now its seperated into different categories. And last of all, I'd like to make a list of two types of people that piss me off at school:

- 99% of the ROTC kids, who never shutup and act really retarded all the time. (This doesn't count for TJ and Richie!)

- The kids that say we had homework when the teacher was convinced we didn't have any and was about to give us an extra day to do it. BUT NO, the goodie goodie teacher's pet has to spoil it all for the rest of us!

Alright, just had to get that off my head. Now I'm good. And if anybody was wondering, here is a picture of me in the morning:

February 17, 2003

Paintballing on President's Day!

To start off, all the old news has been archived, so you can now look it up in the archives section (Link above!). Now, onto my President's Day. It started out when I had to go to this insurance thing at my insurance agency (some driving stuff that takes 15% off my insurance premium). After half an hour there, I went home, did some laundry, then went to pick Jenny and Tara up so we all could go eat at Burger King. When we arrived, we met up with Sisco, Derks and T-Rav. After an interesting lunch, everyone went their seperate ways. I dropped Jenny and Tara off, then went home, got Ryan and Noah, went to 40 woods, then went out to paintball! Sisco and Travis hadn't arrived yet, so we played some one on one. Our first game was Kraus (me!) VS. Noah. It was a quick game, because I moved up really fast, and we were about 15 feet away when I got popped in the head. Next was Derks VS. Noah. This battle was good (and caught on tape) and both people advanced really close. Noah caught one dead center of his mask, and you can see it on the tape perfectly! Last was Kraus VS. Derks. I started off in the lower area, and lit Derks's side up. He got pinned, and then ran, and then ran back, and during all that I managed to hit him four times, one was a really painful blow to the neck! After that, Sisco and Travis arrive. We play some interesting speedball games, all in which Derks got lit up again (on tape!) and Sisco getting hit in the nuts accidently by me (I'M SOOO SORRY DUDE!) Sisco also requests that he needs genital massage by any fine ladies, so if you're interested, IM him at ftcoolman. Back to paintball, finally after many guns screwing up and the cold setting in, we decided to head home. Here our some pictures of all of us in our paintball gear, feel free to print off as many as you desire:

Click Here for the Pictures!

February 14, 2003

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Hey everyone! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day! Mine started off in computer class when my "secret admirer (Jessie Torres) gave me a bag of Hershey's Hugs and Kisses, which was really sweet. I found out it was Torres after Virgina blew the "secret" in 7th hour. The rest of the half day went by really slow. Seventh hour was fun, watching Derks play "Bitch-Slap" (Slap-Jack except you slap the Queen). I had to make a Spanish Valentine for that class, and you get extra credit for giving it to somebody, so I gave mine to Virgina (Hope you like it!) After school got out (at 10:50) Ryan and I went to the Bank of Jacomo, 40 Woods, and Lowes (got me a neat looking gun case for my paintball gun!) Afterwards, we went to my house and tried to get all my stuff into my case. I couldn't figure it out, so Derks had to help me. At lunch we decided to go to Gambino's for the buffet. Derks was good this time and didn't use his water cup for pop ("That's not water!" LOL) When we got home we popped Resident Evil 2 into the Playstation 2 and played for a couple of hours. We played until it froze up and Derks had to go home to babysit his little cousin. I got online and talked to Jessica Cracraft (My old g/f from 8th grade, her pic is on the about me page) We decided we wanted to hang out since I haven't seen her for a loooong time. At about 8 P.M. I picked her and her friend Jennifer Rizzo up, and we went to the mall. There we crammed ourselves into the picture booth. We tried all sort of poses, and got the perfect ones (I'll have pictures up soon). It was alot of fun at the mall! I dropped them off and now Derks is over and we're hanging out! Well I'm out, I hope you all had a great V-Day!

February 5, 2003

Yes, this Website is still ALIVE!!!

After having to use the defibulator on the poor website, I have finally revived the freakin' thing. I will try to update this a little more than I have in the last couple of months. I'll just start off with what is going on in my life at the current moment. School is going good, I have two new classes (Advanced Computer Apps and Physical Fitness)! The computer class is hella-boring and easy, I always get done with everything way ahead of time, and end up meandering around the internet, but I can't go anywhere because the school censors about every internet page but two. Physical Fitness is good, I do alot of weights, which if you know me, I probably need to do quite a bit. Outside of school, I've been paintballing alot with all my friends who finally decided to get paintball guns. We have about six of us now, so we can play quite a bit. I'm also really excited about the Oklahoma D-Day (link at bottom of the page) because it sounds really really fun! I need to buy alot of paintball supplies soon though, but I also need to start working again so I can pay for all that equipment. Anybody is welcomed to join me at FGP, it'd be really cool, because I'm kinda sick of some of the people there, and there needs to be some new faces sooner or later! Well, tonight, I have to face up to my dad and tell him I lost my lower retainer for my teeth, and he'll probably make me pay for a new one, which really sucks, because the orthidontist charges $60 for a freakin' piece of plastic shaped like your teeth. I hate people who work with teeth, they're all a bunch of bastards who get rich drilling, scratching, and injecting pain into your mouth. Enough rambling, I'm going! Peace out! Oh, and Annie, if you see this, kick that mono's ass!




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