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Mollochai's Website

Hi, my name is Mollochai. I have been reading tarot since 1995 and have conducted many readings for my friends and others on the web. I am also a guitarist and have played in several bands most noteably "The Attic" and "Carbtrash". I will update you with further information about me and my interests later.

There is lots of information here, that I hope you will find interesting.

This site can also be accessed from for those of you having trouble getting back here if this server ( is down. So please make a note of that address also.

MEDITATION...Many people are unsure how to meditate CLICK HERE to try FIVE methods

CHAKRAS...Want to know what they are and how they work?CLICK HERE to find out more.

HOW TO FOCUS...Want to know how to "focus"?CLICK HERE to find out more.

SPIRIT GUIDES...Want to know about spirit guides, their purpose and how to meet them?CLICK HERE to find out more.

AURA COLOURS...Want to know about Aura colours and their meaning?CLICK HERE to find out more.

ASTRAL TRAVEL..Interested in Astral Travel, but don't know qiute how to go about it. CLICK HERE to find out more.

WANT TO KNOW why tarot is important in today's world. CLICK HERE to find out more.