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HI all *smile* please take a look and tell me what you think... *Smile*

My name is Jeanette. I live in Wisconsin and am a mother of 2 beautiful children.

I lived in Southeast Missouri all my life up til February 2001. I then moved to Wisconsin to live with my fiance, Chris. I am 26 years old and am loving every minute of my life as much as I can. *smiles* I love so many things. I write poetry and love to read. I sing and dance. I enjoy baseball, football, volleyball, camping and being outdoors. I love movies..all kinds...I love to listen to all kinds of music as well.

Here are some pics of Chris and Me...the one person that makes me feel whole...the one I love with all my heart...just remember you will find love when you least expect it..and it could be right in front of you for the longest time.

My Family

Work In Process....will be adding to this section as I go.. This will be a section for my family.

A trip to New York City

Here is a view of New York City

How about another view? *Smile*

My kids loved visiting New Jersey and New York City

Always adding more

Here is one of the poems I recently wrote.*SMILE*

Love is something so simple
Why did we make it so hard?
All we needed was trust
Then those three little words
Would have easily said it all.
It took us so long but now we have
Our future together to look forward to.
To plan, to love, to live
Our lives together forever
Filled with happiness and
A trust so strong, not to be broken.
Our hearts filled with so much love
We will always be happy.
Our plans for the future
Are now including one another.
You know I am here for you
Anytime for anything you want
I know the same about you.
I love you and you love me
We know this now and
Our love will always be.

Here are some wav files of me singing *laugh*

Come back and see me sometime *smile*