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~*~*~*~Lisa's Crib Page~*~*~*~

Lisa's Home Page

ain't dis fun? if ya' duzn't dink so, den return HERE. ps. here's mah' email doodadie, dig dis:

I'm sorry any sucka dun didn't appreciate mah' helpful tips t'go t'de bottom fo' links(*cough cough NICOLE cough cough*) so's i gots changed it um, now go t'de MIDDLE... yeah man.

click on de globe it's funny! Right on!

click here- it's about rebka! Preach it loud, bruddah!! Right on!

hey, check dis out, dig dis:

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Fights Spirit Counter


this be so fun! Right on!

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my guestscribblin'
angie's site
rosie's site
christie's site
savin' boy wonder
jessi's site
kelly's site
jokes- check oud da damn blonde jokes! Preach it loud, bruddah!
happenin' site w/ wo'ds t'beats
so funny, parodies uh different sites

How t'have fun at Walmart (hey, ah' had t'snatch down space and dis be very funny)

  • Fill down shoppin' carts, and den abandom dem droughoud de sto'e, randomly. Slap mah fro!
  • Collect boxes uh condoms and drop dem into oda' customer's carts whendey're not lookin'
  • Go t'de clock aisle; set all uh de alarm clocks t'go off at ten-minute intervals droughout da damn whole day. Slap mah fro!
  • Run down t'a male employee as ya' squeeze yo' legs togeda' and scream,
  • Try on bras upside yo' shirt and admire yo'self in some mirro'.
  • Spill some trail uh o'ange juice all de way t'de restrooms.
  • Walk down t'an employee and mutter,
  • Go t'de electronics secshun; tune all de transista's t'a polka stashun. Den, turn dem all off and set each volume knob t'full blast. Man!
  • Test da damn fishin' rods; toss some line upside de top uh de merchandise shelf and see whut ya'
  • Move
  • Go into Automotive and sample all de spray air fresheners until nobody kin breade.
  • Nonchalantly
  • When some sucka ax's ya' if ya' need assistance, start weepin' and bawl,
  • Walk right down t'de security camera and pick yo' nose, vigo'ously. Slap mah fro!
  • Obstruct an entire aisle in Toys by settin' down some fulll-scale battlefield pittin' Transfo'mers against da damn X-Men. 'S coo', bro.
  • While handlin' some shotgun in Spo'tin' Goods, ax' de clerk where dey stock anti-depressants.
  • Dart around da damn sto'e frantically while hummin' de tune fum
  • Pick down various funnels and practice yo'
  • Hide in de clodin' racks; as sucka's browse drough de sweaters, aqueal
  • If ya' hear an announcement upside de loud raper, fall on de floo', assume da damn fetal posishun, and scream,
  • Go t'an empty checkout line and shout,
  • Go into some dressin' room and scream,
  • *********************************************************
  • Wuzn't dat great? I'm sho' man ya'll snatch dis wonderful advice and go gots some fun at Walmart! Right on!