Can't Fans All Just Get Along?


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This section was prompted by the rampant immaturity of some BSB and *N Sync fans in the chat rooms. Arguments come up between the two fans about who is better. You'll hear, "*N Sync sucks and BSB is way better!" or "BSB blows and *N Sync rules!" and things to that affect, with stronger language than that. I recently became an *N Sync fan and this behavior upsets me. Both groups are talented in their own way. Even when I wasn't an *N Sync fan, I would try not to put things on my site that would be offensive to their fans. I respect choices and opinions as should everybody. From what I've heard, the two groups get along okay and they don't need immature teenyboppers to be fighting about who's better. I beg you to have respect for those who may not like someone else's favorite group or those of us who like both groups and stop the stupid, immature arguments.