Welcome to Backstreetaholics Anonymous

Cast of Characters(most of these people are from the BSB Band Chat):

Stacey: Kevin and Howie addict

Jess: Brian addict

Lisa: AJ addict

Amanda: AJ's sausage addict

Netteke: Recovering Nick addict, now an AJ addict

Tiffany: teenybopper and hopless Nick addict

Kat: counselor

Kelly: pizza delivery girl (this is a friend of mine from my hometown)

The Meeting

Kat: "Okay, let's all begin with the Serenity Prayer."

All: "God, grant me the serenety to accept that the BSB aren't gods, the courage to not think about them 24/7, and the wisdom to not buy everything that has their face plastered all over it."

Kat: "Stacey, how have you been this week?"

Stacey: "My name is Stacey and I'm a Backstreetaholic."

All: "Hi, Stacey."

Stacey: "I've called every male I've seen in the last week either Kevin or Howie."

Kat: "I've told you you've got to stop putting their faces on everybody."

Stacey: "I know, but I can't help it. They look better than most of the guys I meet."

Kat: "We'll discuss this later. Jess, how about you?"

Jess: "My-Brian-name-Brian-is-Brian-Jess-Brian-and-Brian-I'm-Brian-a-Brian-Backstreetaholic-Brian."

Lisa: "Jess, you're doing it again."

Jess: "Oops, I'm sorry."

Kat: "Well, Jess, it's obvious we've still got to work on your problem. Lisa?"

Lisa: "My name is Lisa and I'm a Backstreetaholic."

All: "Hi, Lisa."

Lisa: "I got a tattoo..."

Stacey: "So what? I've got three."

Lisa: "...on my butt of AJ."

Stacey: ......"You've lost it, girl."

Amanda: *pulls out a covered platter* "Anybody want a sausage?"

Kat: "Um, no thanks, Amanda. Netteke, do you have anything to add?"

Netteke: "I met AJ and he kissed me three times."

Kat: "Besides that."

Netteke: "I called Nick's hotel room, but I didn't say anything."

Kat: "Ookay. Tiffany?"

Stacey: "Oh, God, no!"


Jess: "Make her stop!"

*Amanda shoves a sausage into Tiffany's mouth, shutting her up.*

Lisa: "Thank you, Amanda."

Amanda: "No problem. Want some sausage?"

Lisa: "No thanks."

Amanda: "Okay, more for me!"

Kat: "Since we had made some progrees ending Netteke's Nick addiction by showing her a picture of him naked..."

Stacey: *snort* "He doesn't have to be naked to turn me off."

Jess: "But she turned to AJ."

Stacey: "And that's a bad thing?"

Kat: "ANYWAY, as I was saying, I thought we could make even better progress by bringing the Boys in for you to see."

Tiffany: *spits out sausage* "AAAAAAAHHHH! NIIIIICK!"

Netteke: "Get her screaming ass out of here!"

Stacey: "Gladly." *picks up Tiffany and throws her out of the room.*

Kat: "So, without further adieu, the Backstreet Boys!"

*The door opens and Kevin and Howie walk in and walk over to Stacey, sitting down on either side of her.*

Kevin: "Hi, sweetie."

Howie: "You're cute. I like you."

Stacey: *giggles*

*Brian walks in and sits down next to Jess.*

Brian: "Hello!"

Jess: *jumps into Brian's lap* "Will you marry me? I've already planned our wedding. THE DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE!"

Brian: *in a small voice* "Help me."

*AJ walks in and humps the floor.*

Amanda and Lisa: "THE SAUSAGE HUMP!"

Netteke: "Whatever you call it, it's damn hot!"

Kat: "AJ, you're not helping."

AJ: "Sorry, babe." *walks over to the three girls and drapes himself across their laps*

Amanda, Lisa, and Netteke: *sigh**giggle*

*Nick walks in, picking his nose. He sits down in the only available seat, next to Netteke.*

Nick: "Hi. You're purty."

Netteke: "Um, thanks." *scoots her chair away*

Nick: "Where are you going?"

Netteke: "The light is better over here."

Nick: "Oh, okay."

*Howie and Kevin whisper into Stacey's ears and they all giggle. While everyone else is distracted, they sneak off into the closet.*

*There is a knock on the door.*

Kelly: "I've got a pizza here for..." *she sees Nick* "Whoa! Who's that cutie patootie?"

Kat: "That's Nick Carter."

Kelly: "Nicky baby! Come with me! I got pizza!"

Nick: "Pizza? I'm there!" *follows Kelly out, picking his nose again*

Kat: "Where'd Stacey, Howie, and Kevin go?" *hears and thump and a giggle from the closet* "Never mind. I don't want to know."

Jess: "Come on, Brian. We've got an appointment with the wedding coordinator."

Brian: *weakly* "Oh, goody." *is dragged out of the room by Jess*

AJ: So, ladies. Wanna go test out my new hot tub?"

Amanda, Lisa, and Netteke: "Sure!" *they leave with AJ*

Kat: "I give up."

