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KCAR Launch Report: Polar Bear Launch

Launch date and time: January 19, 2008, 11:00 AM.
Launch location: Shawnee Mission Park, KS

KCAR started off its tenth year on a very cold winter day. The winds were calm, however, so the cold wasn’t so noticeable, and made for some really good flying weather.

On hand for launching were Lee, Blake, Randall and me. Several flights were made, mostly successful. Since the rockets were landing practically back on the pads, we began flying the more powerful motors. I even flew a staged flight on a pair of ‘B’s’ with good success. The streamer didn’t fully deploy, but the snow broke the fall so there was no damage.

Oh, I guess I didn’t mention the snow! We’ve had more snow this season than we’ve had in quite a while, and there was still plenty covering the ground, too. That didn’t slow down the flying though, and Blake, Lee, and myself went to flying with some enthusiam.

Blake flew his “Porta-Pot-Shot” once or twice, but on the last flight it didn’t deploy and shattered the somewhat fragile top. Blake has plans to make it “Better Than It Was Before!”

My flights included the Navaho on a B6, the Tomahawk on a pair of B6’s, the Maxi-Alpha on a C11 or D12, and the Big Tangent on a D12 (to name a few.) I also tried to light a D9 in the Maxi-Alpha, but it simply refused to light even after several attempts to find an igniter that would slip into that skinny nozzle.

We finally gave up on the D9, and packed up for the day. None too soon, Randall looked like he was freezing.

Sorry, no photos were taken.

See you next month!

Submitted by Tim Burger, NAR 78486 L1.

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Page created on February 26, 2008