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KCAR Launch Report: August 2004 High Power Sport Launch

Launch date and time: August 21st 2004, 11:00AM
Launch location: The Tickwood Ranch near Drexel, MO
Launch wind and weather: Overcast and cool but light winds

There was 1 staged flight (6), and 1 clustered flight (57).

Flight Log
Flier Rocket Motor(s) Comments
1 George Scheil DSP C5-3 Good
2 David Nelson Unknown Rocket A8-3 Good
3 Dave Bucher Trident Clone C6-5 Good
4 Austin Baumgartner U. S. Army B6-4 Good and high
5 Zoron Hensley Alpha III B6-4 Nice Flight
6 George Scheil Demonds 2-stage B6-0 to B6-6 1st stage walloweddown, 2nd made a good glide Return to top
7 Dave Bucher Astron Patriot C11-3 Misfired on first try
8 Marc Bernath Code Red B6-4 Nice flight
9 Ian Desselle Skywriter #2 Pencil A8-5 low & slow
10 Bill Hensley Baby Bertha D12-5 Nice & Fast
11 Martin Ashwell ADM Bomb A8-3 30-inch 'chute
12 Nathan Herscovici Space Bus A10-3T Very high
13 Philip Nelson 3-legged Dog D12-5 Scratch made
14 Zoron Hensley Alpha III A8-3 Landed back on range
15 Bill Hensley Python 4 C6-3 Nice & High; light spiral
16 Marc Bernath Code Red B6-4 Good & high
17 Zoron Hensley Alpha III B6-4
18 Bill Hensley Paveway 3 C6-3 Very straight boost
19 Dave Bucher Astron Patriot C11-3
20 Dave Bucher Extreme Drifter F21-8 Very high!
21 Mark Bazinet BSD Sprint G35-4 CATO!
22 Chuck Herscovici Starship Vega B4-2 First flight
23 Jeff Irle Fat Boy E9-8 Nice and straight
24 David Nelson Unknown Rocket B6-6
25 George Scheil Heli-Roc C11-5 Good rotation!
26 Ian Desselle Skywriter #2 Pencil C6-5 No 'chute
27 Bill Hensley Big Brute G33-5 Very nice!
28 Tim Burger Initiator E18-4 Lots of spin on boost
29 Mark Bazinet Initiator G38-4
30 Bill Hensley Lockheed X-7 F23-7J No roll, good!
31 George Scheil Twinsee B6-4 Perfect flights - twin boost glider
32 Tim Burger Airspike E18-4
33 Jeff Irle Fat Boy E9-4
34 Dave Bucher Estes Outlander D21-4 Total crunch crash landing
35 Tim Burger Initiator F40-7
36 Martin Ashwell Micro Alpha 1/4A3-2T
37 Martin Ashwell Stinger B6-4
38 Martin Ashwell Nexis 512 A10-3T
39 Mark Bazinet Sumo G64-4
40 Ian Desselle Skywriter #2 Pencil C6-5
41 Dave Bucher Ultra Mars Lander G34-4 Totally underpowered - wasn't pretty
42 Tim Burger Intercepter G F50-6
43 Dave Bucher C Bee Gee C6-3 Good boost
44 Jeff Irle Fat Boy E9-8 Third flight exactly like the previous two
45 Ian Desselle Baby Bertha B6-6 Spot landing!
46 Tim Burger Busted G80-4 Busted, not!
47 Martin Ashwell ADM Bomb B6-4
48 Martin Ashwell Stinger B6-4
49 George Scheil Twinsee C6-3 Soooo long!
50 Mark Bazinet BSD Thor I161-10 Kicked the motor.
51 Ian Desselle Baby Bertha B6-2
52 Tim Burger Starfighter H148-10 Good boost! Red flame clearly seen.
53 Jeff Irle Fat Boy F21-7
54 Tim Burger Busted G64-4
55 Martin Ashwell Nexis 512 A10-3T
56 Dave Bucher Stubby H153-5
57 Dave Bucher NCR Bright Hawk F50-5, 2XE9-0 Return to top
58 Mark Bazinet BSD Thor (3-inch) H148-10 Kicked the motor (again)
59 Ian Desselle Baby Bertha B6-6
60 Ian Desselle Skywriter #2 Pencil C6-5
61 Martin Ashwell Stinger C6-5
62 Ian Desselle Baby Bertha B6-6

Photo by Bill Hensley
Flights by Rocketeers
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Dave Bucher
Martin Ashwell
Ian Desselle
Tim Burger
Mark Bazinet
Bill Hensley
George Scheil
Jeff Irle
Zoron Hensley
Marc Bernath
David Nelson
Austin Baumgartner
Chuck Herscovici
Nathan Herscovici
Philip Nelson

Photo by Bill Hensley
Rockets Making Multiple Flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
4 Baby Bertha Ian Desselle
Skywriter #2 Pencil
Fat Boy Jeff Irle
3 Stinger Martin Ashwell
Alpha III Zoron Hensley
2 ADM Bomb Martin Ashwell
Nexis 512
Code Red Marc Bernath
Astron Patriot Dave Bucher
Busted Tim Burger
Unknown Rocket David Nelson
Twinsee George Scheil

Photo by Bill Hensley
Totals by motor:
Motor Number
1/4A3 1 0.59
Total 1/4A’s: 1 0.59
A10 3 6.00
A8 4 9.28
Total A’s: 7 15.28
B4 1 4.29
B6 16 69.28
Total B’s: 17 73.57
C11 3 26.40
C5 1 9.10
C6 9 79.38
Total C’s: 13 114.88
D12 2 33.68
D21 1 19.59
Total D’s: 3 53.27
E18 2 73.08
E9 5 139.35
Total E’s: 7 212.43
F21 2 120.90
F23 1 52.85
F40 1 78.09
F50 2 153.66
Total F’s: 6 405.50
G33 1 98.39
G34 1 99.00
G35 1 100.82
G38 1 87.68
G64 2 237.60
G80 1 116.25
Total G’s: 7 739.74
H148 2 460.00
H153 1 244.00
Total H’s: 3 704.00
I161 1 350.00
Total I’s: 1 350.00
Total: 65 2669.26 (L)

Photo by Bill Hensley

Submitted by Tim Burger NAR78486

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Page created on October 27, 2004.