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KCAR Launch Report: Piper School Launch

Launch date and time: May 24th, 2003.
Launch location: Piper School, Kansas City, KS

This launch came about from a launch earlier in the same week at the Clardy School. Some of the club members had turned out to assist with that launch, one of those being the intrepid Christian. It turns out that Christian knows a teacher at Piper, who mentioned something about Piper launching rockets at the end of the same week and that they’d love to have some assistance with someone who knows about model rockets. Unfortunately, with that short notice, and having taken days off for the Clardy launch, Christian was stuck handling this one by himself. The club lent him the launcher, and Tim lent him the saw-horse launch pads.

Listening to Christian talk about this launch is great; one can tell that he had a great time working with the kids and was “in charge” most of the day. They certainly did a lot of launching as the table below shows.

We gather from the conversation of some of the students that the final grade rests largely on this project; and from comments made by the instructor that students who followed the directions and built their kit properly would pass.

Here are the statistics — as close as we can come with the rather sketchy data, anyway. There were 168 flights, by 97 fliers. Total impulse was 1557.67N, that would be in the ’K“ range. There were no cluster flights, and six staged flights (1, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 28).

The comments in the following table are taken directly from log as written by the students. Take the time to read them, some are priceless.

Launch Log
Launch Fliers Name Rocket Name(s) Motor Comments
1 LeManske, C. Comanche III D12-0 to C6-7 to B6-4 Didn’t stage
2 James, E. Express C11-5 Average flight
3 Oakes, J. Gemini C6-5 It went pretty high.
4 Hinkle, S. Fat Boy C6-5
5 Moore, M. F. U. S. (Star Destroyer) C6-5 It went pretty high
6 Long, K. F. U. S. II (Alpha III) C6-5 It went into the woods
7 Ring, K. U. S. Air force C6-5 It blew away!
8 Marcano, A. Silent Assassin C11-5 It shot the sky!
9 Channell, W. Comanche III D12-0 to C6-0 to C6-7 It was the best
10 Josh, D. Comanche III D12-0 to C6-0 to C6-7 Mine was!
11 Harrop, B. Comanche III D12-0 to B4-4 to B4-4 It was great — 2000 feet
12 Eastwood, A. Screamin’ Mimi D12-0 to C11-? My engine mount came out!
13 Woolsey, K. Star Dart B6-4 It was so cool.
14 Brewer, E. Sky Writer B6-4 It went high
15 Parks, M. Fat Boy C6-5 It went high and did better than I expected it to do.
16 Uzelac, A. Baby Berta B6-4 It went high and nothing got damaged.
17 Marmon, J. Big Bertha C6-5 It flew good and didn’t get damaged.
18 Trumpeter, C. Echostar C11-5 It shattered when it hit the ground.
19 Anderson, D. Fat Boy B4-2 The engine burned a hole in my parachute.
20 Ellington, H. Sizzler A8-3 I found out my rocket went 781 feet
21 Smith, M. Sizzler A8-3 It went pretty good but didn’t work the first time.
22 Eastwood, A. Screamin' Mimi ??-?
23 Crosthwait, A. High Flier C6-7 Didn't go straight and I lost it.
24 Payne, D. High Flier C6-7 It never flew JUST straight up :(
25 Neaol, K. Baby Bertha C6-7 Mine flew very good!
26 Blevins, J. Sizzler C6-7 It flew good
27 Calvert, K. Sizzler C6-7 I lost it but it went up!
28 McCloud, K. CC Express D12-0 to D12-7 Both stages went off and landed in the baseball field.
29 Movar, T. U. S. Air force B4-4 It flew good
30 Brown, J. Fat Boy B6-2 I wish it would of blew up.
31 Collins, K. Comanche III D12-0 I wish it blew up!!! (So, any stage motors? Editor)
32 Cevera, G. High Flier C6-7 I wish I found it.
33 Folscroft, D. High Flier C6-7 I wish it would of went higher.
34 Bond, A. CC Express D12-0 I with it went higher.
35 Saunders, M Comanche III B4-4 I wish I could have found my nose cone.
36 Jones, D. ARV Condor B6-2
37 Pierre II, R. Black Brant II D12-5 It went high. It would have been better if the parachute came out!
38 Moran, L. Executioner D12-5 It flew better than I thought it would.
39 Huntington, K. Fat Boy B6-? My rocket sucks.
40 Cobb, C. Guardian B6-6 It was pretty good . . . better than I thought.
41 Zirkle, S. Big Daddy D12-? It flew good. A lot better than I thought.
42 Hernandez, A. Stardart C6-5 It went pretty high!
43 Crosthwait, A. High Flier C6-7
44 Payne, D. High Flier C6-7
45 Nead, K. Baby Bertha C6-7
46 Blevins, J. Sizzler C6-7
47 Folscroft, D. High Flier C6-7
48 Cevera, G. High Flier C6-7
49 Moran, L. Big Daddy D12-5
50 Zirkle, S. Big Daddy D12-5
51 Hernandez, A. Stardart C6-5
52 Cowher, C. Menace B4-? First successful, second one only found wing and tube.
53 Henry, S. Echostar C6-7 Parachute got burnt.
54 Meyer, L. Stardart C6-7 Flew perfect took a while to find.
55 Ziegler, C. Condor C6-3 Flew perfectly two times but didn't third time
56 Farmer, J. Guardian B6-4 All right.
57 Sanders, T. Echostar C6-7 Flew very good.
58 May, V. Big Daddy D12-3 First, second, and third flights good.
59 Hotojac, N. Condor A6-6 First time good, second time broke.
60 Morrow, G Sizzler C6-5 First and second time stunk.
61 Russell, R. Stardart B6-4 Successful both launches.
62 Saunders, M. Blue Ninja C11-3 The was good the rest were alright.
63 Rhoades, K. Guardian B6-4 Great flight all three times.
64 Linman, B. Mercury Redstone B6-4 It was great.
65 Knetter, A. Skwriter A6-? It took a while but turned out to be cool.
66 Mikessell, C. Executioner D12-3 I hope you had a good time.
67 Daniel, D. High Flier C6-7 Had fun.
68 Hebberger, T. Eliminator D12-7 Thank-you, it was fun.
69 Long Mosquito A10-?
70 Cowher, C. Menace B4-?
71 Henry, S. Echostar C6-7
72 Meyer, L. Stardart C6-7
73 Sanders, T. Echostar C6-7
74 Hotojac, N. Condor A6-6
75 Morrow, G Sizzler C6-5
76 Long Mosquito A10-?
77 Russell, R. Stardart B6-4
78 Mikessell, C. Executioner D12-3
79 Daniel, D. High Flier C6-7
80 Ziegler, C. Condor C6-3
81 Rhoades, K. Guardian B6-4
82 Meyer, L. Stardart C6-7
83 Saunders, M. Blue Ninja C11-3
84 Sanders, T. Echostar C6-7
85 May, V. Big Daddy D12-3
86 Morrow, G Sizzler C6-5
87 Ziegler, C. Condor C6-3
88 Mikessell, C. Executioner D12-3
89 Saunders, M. Blue Ninja C11-3
90 Sanders, T. Echostar C6-7
91 Rhoades, K. Guardian B6-4
92 May, V. Big Daddy D12-3
93 Sanders, T. Echostar C6-7
94 Morrow, G Sizzler C6-5
95 Mikessell, C. Executioner. D12-3
96 Dowell, R. V2 E9-4 Went well.
97 Pruneda, A. Big Daddy D12-3 Beau’s went higher.
98 Sutter, A. Stardart B6-4 Good but I didn't see it land.
99 Sutter, A. Mosquito A10-? Ok, but fell.
100 LeDesma, A. Baby Bertha B6-4 First time didn’t go off other than that it went good.
101 McGinnis, A. Fat Boy C6-3 Went very good three times.
102 Gaunce, G. Stars and Stripes B6-4 It went really well, and it went high.
103 Beashore, B. Big Daddy D12-3 Went high.
104 Chris, G. Storm Caster C6-3
105 Vallejo, A. Cruise Missile A10-3T It was really good and went higher than I thought it would.
106 Hicks, M. Hi Flier C6-3 I didn’t see it because it went the wrong direction.
107 Colbert, T. Bandit B4-4 Went really good and high.
108 Woodroof, L. Sizzler B6-4 Great and high.
109 Woodroof, L. Tangent A8-3 Low and woods.
110 Stout, S. Stardart A8-3 Went high, despite the fact that I didn’t know what I was doing.
111 Bruenn, K. Sizzler B6-4 It went so high I couldn’t see it anymore. We could not find it.
112 Barkley, M. Sizzler C6-3 My shock cord burned and broke. No fun . . .
113 Howlett, B. Stardart C6-7 My rocket went so high it didn’t come back.
114 Pike, K. Stormcaster C11-7 It flew good.
115 Carry, A. Stardart B6-2
116 Abby, M. Big Bertha B4-? It went up really high.
117 Dowell, R. V2 E9-4
118 Pruneda, A. Big Daddy D12-3
119 Stout, S. Stardart A8-3 Went high, despite the fact that I didn’t know what I was doing.
120 Vallejo, A. Cruise Missile A10-3T
121 McGinnis, A. Fat Boy C6-3
122 Beashore, B. Big Daddy D12-3
123 Chris, G. Storm Caster C6-3
124 Pruneda, A. Big Daddy D12-3
125 Howlett, B. Stardart C6-7
126 McGinnis, A. Fat Boy C6-3
127 Stout, S. Stardart A8-3
128 Chris, G. Storm Caster C6-3
129 Vallejo, A. Cruise Missile A10-3T
130 Chris, G. Storm Caster C6-3
131 Howlett, B. Stardart C6-7
132 Wall, M. Big Betty B4-? It launched more than once.
133 Wall, M. Big Betty C6-3
134 Young, M. V2 E9-6 Good.
135 O’Malley, C. Big Bertha B?-?
136 Nill, R. Polaris C6-5 It went high
137 Schweinfurth, K. Bandit B?-?
138 Whitney, K. Big Bertha C6-5 It went high and far.
139 Meyers, R. Gemini DC B4-6 It went high and was a great flight.
140 Harkins, K. Gemini DC C6-5 A great flight.
141 Harkins, K. Gemini DC B6-2 It crashed bad, but it was fun anyway.
142 Clark, J. Baby Bertha C6-5 It went into the trees.
143 Mizell, M. Guardian B4-4 It went great.
144 Rinehart, M. Echostar B6-6 Both flights went well.
145 Rinehart, M. Echostar C6-6
146 Shirley, B. Stardart A8-3 It went really well and high.
147 Phelps, S. Fat Boy B4-? Mine didn’t go up!
148 McClain, Z. Eliminator E9-8 It took a long time to come down.
149 Hintt, D. Space Shuttle ??-?
150 Kemple, L. Yankee C6-7 It went higher than I thought.
151 Thomas, J. Big Betty C6-7 Good job on the rockets and instructions.
152 Wall, M. Big Betty C6-3
153 Young, M. V2 E9-6 Good
154 Nill, R. Polaris C6-5 It went high.
155 Schweinfurth, K. Bandit B?-?
156 Whitney, K. Big Bertha C6-5 It went high and far.
157 Nill, R. Polaris C6-5 It went high.
158 Meyers, R. Gemini DC B4-6 It went high and was a great flight.
159 Mizell, M. Guardian B4-4 It went great.
160 Schweinfurth, K. Bandit B?-?
161 Whitney, K. Big Bertha C6-5 It went high and far.
162 McClain, Z. Eliminator E9-8 It took a long time to come down.
163 Hintt, D. Space Shuttle ??-?
164 Nill, R. Polaris C6-5 It went high.
165 Meyers, R. Gemini DC B4-6 It went high and was a great flight.
166 Mizell, M. Guardian B4-4 It went great.
167 McClain, Z. Eliminator E9-8 It took a long time to come down.
168 Hintt, D. Space Shuttle ??-?
Some notes about the above table:
  1. The logs were a bit hard to make out; my apologies for any misspelled names
  2. The notes indicate several rockets flew more than once, but there is only one entry in the log; those flights are fudged since there is no motor data for the extras, etc.
  3. There a few entries that don’t appear to have a motor; can’t answer for those.

Rockets Making Multiple Flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
5 Echostar Sanders, T.
4 Polaris Nill, R.
Sizzler Morrow, G
Executioner Mikessell, C.
Storm Caster Chris, G.
3 Condor Ziegler, C.
Big Bertha Whitney, K.
Big Betty Wall, M.
Cruise Missile Vallejo, A.
Stardart Stout, S.
Bandit Schweinfurth, K.
Blue Ninja Saunders, M.
Guardian Rhoades, K.
Big Daddy Pruneda, A.
Guardian Mizell, M.
Gemini DC Meyers, R.
Stardart Meyer, L.
Fat Boy McGinnis, A.
Eliminator McClain, Z.
Big Daddy May, V.
Stardart Howlett, B.
Space Shuttle Hintt, D.
2 Big Daddy Zirkle, S.
V2 Young, M.
Stardart Russell, R.
Echostar Rinehart, M.
High Flier Payne, D.
Mosquito Long
Condor Hotojac, N.
Stardart Hernandez, A.
Echostar Henry, S.
Gemini DC Harkins, K.
High Flier Folscroft, D.
Screamin' Mimi Eastwood, A.
V2 Dowell, R.
High Flier Daniel, D.
High Flier Crosthwait, A.
Menace Cowher, C.
High Flier Cevera, G.
Sizzler Blevins, J.
Big Daddy Beashore, B.

Flights by Rocketeers
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Sanders, T.
Nill, R.
Morrow, G
Mikessell, C.
Chris, G.
Ziegler, C.
Whitney, K.
Wall, M.
Vallejo, A.
Stout, S.
Schweinfurth, K.
Saunders, M.
Rhoades, K.
Pruneda, A.
Mizell, M.
Meyers, R.
Meyer, L.
McGinnis, A.
McClain, Z.
May, V.
Howlett, B.
Hintt, D.
Zirkle, S.
Young, M.
Woodroof, L.
Sutter, A.
Russell, R.
Rinehart, M.
Payne, D.
Moran, L.
Hotojac, N.
Hernandez, A.
Henry, S.
Harkins, K.
Folscroft, D.
Eastwood, A.
Dowell, R.
Daniel, D.
Crosthwait, A.
Cowher, C.
Cevera, G.
Blevins, J.
Beashore, B.
Woolsey, K.
Uzelac, A.
Trumpeter, C.
Thomas, J.
Smith, M.
Shirley, B.
Saunders, M
Ring, K.
Pike, K.
Pierre II, R.
Phelps, S.
Parks, M.
O’Malley, C.
Oakes, J.
Neaol, K.
Nead, K.
Movar, T.
Moore, M.
McCloud, K.
Marmon, J.
Marcano, A.
Long, K.
Linman, B.
LeManske, C.
LeDesma, A.
Knetter, A.
Kemple, L.
Josh, D.
Jones, D.
James, E.
Huntington, K.
Hinkle, S.
Hicks, M.
Hebberger, T.
Harrop, B.
Gaunce, G.
Farmer, J.
Ellington, H.
Collins, K.
Colbert, T.
Cobb, C.
Clark, J.
Channell, W.
Carry, A.
Calvert, K.
Bruenn, K.
Brown, J.
Brewer, E.
Bond, A.
Barkley, M.
Anderson, D.
Abby, M.

Totals by motor:
Motor Number
A10 6 12
A6 3 6
A8 7 16.24
B4 17 72.93
B6 22 95.26
C11 8 70.4
C6 72 635.04
D12 27 454.68
E9 7 195.09
Total: 169 1,557.64

Some motors didn’t get recorded.

Submitted by Christian Bruggeman, NAR 82573.
Edited by Tim Burger, NAR 78486 L1

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