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Home is where the heart is....

Hi and welcome to my homepage. This is the first homepage that I have built and I'm learning as I go, so you will have to come back and visit later when I've gotten good at it. Please be sure and sign my guest book just so I know that you stopped by.

I am a stay at home mom to two wonderful that is almost a teen and one that is a toddler. Some of my interest includes cross-stitching, crocheting, and scrapbooking as well as playing on the computer =). I also take an avid interest in all aspects of parenting and learn a lot by reading and talking to others what works for them. I also feel that education is a very important aspect in life and am more than will to share my knowledge with others as well as promote education.

Other sites here on my page include
Poetry for Moms
My Craft Links Page
Autism & PDD Info

Interesting websites
Autism sites
My son's webpage
Kodak Picture Playground Online

Guestbook by GuestWorld Freemo Designs

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!