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ITZ-BUZZ: its sole purpose to update the fellow fanson  
November 2002 News
14: This regards an event... a MAJOR even that took place on Halloween... Welcome baby Jordan Ezra Hanson into the world. Taylor is now a proud father. Let's all do a collective "awwwwwww" (or "whatthehell?" if this is all a huge shock and you actually doubted the whole "rumor"). Taylor posted in FUTY yesterday giving us all the official word. I congratulate the young couple and wish them, and their new baby boy, all the best. Really I do. Honest. :o) You can read more about that, and also read some album news, at I almost forgot about the album... yeah, almost! CONGRATS TAYLOR AND NATALIE, and welcome Ezra to the world!

13: Time change for the VH1 Bubblegum Babylon show. Check the page for the updated schedule!

10: This is regarding the VH1 special Hanson will be adding their 2 cents in, Bubblegum Babylon. Well apparently the interview is new (well as "new" as anything Hanson related is when it's finally seen or heard by the public). The show will air on VH1, November 20 - 22. Check local TV listings for actual show times (or just check here). You can view a short clip (it's actually longer than a minute, it just seems short because he babbles) of Taylor discussing the music industry. Click here and enjoy! (Props to HH Newsletter)

07: Isaac left a rambling message in Hanson.Net regarding what they did after mastering the new album. They went to NYC, did a bunch of record label meeting fun stuff, etc., then he went all deep and discussed the documentary, "Bowling for Columbine". Here's what he said in his own words because God knows I can't summarize his ramblings: " I found this film to be quite interesting and thought provoking. You walk out of the theater thinking, and I like that. The premise of the film is 'Violence in America' and it ends up being a search for why our society has become so violent (random shootings, school violence, est.). It talks about gun possession in countries like Canada (which has a surprisingly high number of guns per capita), and compares it to the US. Although I did not agree with all of the points made in the film I did find it to be a great tool for social evaluation. This film will make you think and I would recommend that you check it out." Wow. Imagine Isaac with his own talk show. HAHA.

03: Although this has nothing to do with Hanson, the site officially opened today. Yay!

01: Isaac left a dear o' message in Hanson.Net's FUTY section once again (the guy is obviously bored, haha). He said the album is finished (didn't he already say that?) and that it has been mastered (there he goes with his musician-talk), and that they are "moving toward" a Spring release. *crosses fingers, eyes, legs, anything!* I hope so, for their sake, hehe. I don't know how much longer we can wait.

October 2002 News
25: Taylor lit up all of our faces with his latest FUTY message over in Hanson.Net. He said, and I quote here, "Things are good here, we are starting up the engines to play some shows in the next couple months. That is really exciting." Yeah, you're telling me! I'm psyched. Are you psyched? I'll be psyched for the both of us!

24: Isaac left a message over in Hanson.Net's FUTY section regarding the album... he said they are finished mixing the bloody thing. Let's all celebrate the great news! All in all they've got 16 songs to choose from. He rambled about how hard the decision is to decide which ones make the album. I'm sure whatever they decide on will sound great.
Also, Zac posted a message in the FUTY section as well. Since it's a nice and funny message, I decided to give it to you all, so enjoy:
"Hey guys I just wanted to say thanks for all your awsome posts. I didn't have a bunch of presents, a party, or a cake on my birthday (but from some of the posts I read it sounds like you had the party for me!!!) Don't get me wrong. I did have a lot of fun listening to live jazz at a NY club with good friends. Not to shabby? I spent the day walking in Central Park, just strolling around, chasing squirels and birds ( you know the usual). Then before it closed Ike Tay and I went over to the Gugenhime museum and checked out some art. We went over to a resteraunt near our hotel and had a nice Italian dinner, and went back to the hotel cause we had a few hours to wast. Around nine thirty I got off my butt and we proseaded down town. I went over to a lovely jazz club, and I spent the rest of the night listning to jazz music. To some that my sound boring, but it was just what I was needing. Zac"
Awww, well isn't that sweet? Zac chasing squirrels and birds. Am I the only one laughing their ass off by the mental picture? Well, at least he enjoyed it. Great guy, hehe.

22: Happy 17th birthday, Zac! Wow, 17... I still remember smiling about his 12th birthday. Where have the years gone?!

03: Taylor dropped us a line at Hanson.Net's FUTY section and let us know that the album is currently being mixed. I can't wait!

Reason for IB:
Heyo! Melissa from the late here. I told you I'd be back. I couldn't stay away for too long. I got a great reasponse when I announced HWN would close. Thanks for the love, guys. With such great feedback, I got to thinking... how can I have a Hanson related site yet keep it small enough that I do not become overwhelmed? (One of the reasons for that decision being I do not have have the time for such a massive site). A lot of people mentioned they loved the updates, so there was my answer: a site with the sole purpose to update the fellow fanson. Enter ITZ-BUZZ. I am dedicated to this site, as I try to be with any site I manage, but sometimes time is crunched, so I'll apologize now if I don't update for long periods of time. You'll still get your updates, trust me.

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Everything on this site is for pure entertainment. Who's to say every word is 100% true? I post what I have gotten word of. ITZ-BUZZ is here for you fellow fansons who crave news. I am in no way associated with the guys, their record label, or their management. I've only met them once... that's as close as "knowing" them as I have gotten, so no association can be made from that. Considering I do not know them, please do not email me message to the guys... they will not get them. I'm only a fan, just like you.


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