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Welcome to Dog Daze, so nice of you to Come By! Sit and Stay while you paw through the pages. Heel on over to Dog Sports, or Walk Up to Rescue, Jump to Jokes, or Weave to the Breed Gallery, but most of all ENJOY!

Dog Sports Rescue Jokes
Breeds Health Dog Supplies

As a part of the family, dogs are companions, guides for the blind, assistants to police, protectors of our homes, rescuers of the lost, and man's best friend, heroes in their own right. It's only fair to give back to them as they give so much, people build parks for them to run free in, form classes for them to learn in, activities for them to participate in, sports for them to compete in and show off their talents. Along with that there is an activity for all breeds to excel in, to show what they can do. The noble, fearless German Shepherd protects its master. The intelligent, dedicated Border Collie herds enormous flocks of sheep to safety. The sleek, swift Greyhound is built to run like the wind and challenge the speed of light. The muscular, determined Alaskan Malamute pulls sleds filled with medicine and supplies through snow and ice, and the loyal, focused English Pointer assists the hunter in the field. So many breeds all special in their own individual way have a place in someone's heart, from the two-pound Chihuahua to the One-hundred and fifty-pound Saint Bernard. Along with their amazing abilities come dog fanciers and dog lovers. This page is for those people who include dogs as a part of their family, full of information and links. Dog Daze has something for everyone, information on Dog Sports, Rescue, keeping your dog healthy and so much more. Enjoy this page and Come Back Soon!

Thanks to (for Graphics and Clipart):

Questions or Comments

Updated: December 31, 2000

| Dog Sports | Rescue | Jokes | Breeds | Health | Dog Supplies |