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Please choose an animal from the list below:

Family Macropodidae


Red Kangaroo
Western Grey Kangaroo
Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Tree Kangaroos

Bennett's Tree Kangaroo
Doria's Tree Kangaroo
Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
Grizzled Grey Tree Kangaroo
Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo
Matschie's Tree Kangaroo
Red Tree Kangaroo
Veogeltop Tree Kangaroo

Family Petauridae


Sugar Glider

Family Phascolarctidae



Order Diprotodontia

This is the largest order in the subclass Metatheria, and contains many of the more familiar marsupials, such as the kangaroo and koala. Diprotodonts are easily recognizable in that the second and third digits on the hindefeet are fused together up to the base of the claws, with the claws not being fused (these marsupials are syndactylus). The teeth are the main distinguisher between this order and other orders. Their name, Diprotodontia, comes from the term "diprotodont" which means that they have a single pair of incisors located on the lower jaw, although in some species an additional pair is present). Three pairs of incisors are located on the top jaw. Diprotodonts lack lower canines but do have upper canines. Almost the entire order is herbivorous, with some being partially insectivorous. There are 10 families, with approx 110 species:

Pseudocheiridae (ringtails, gliders) 14 spp
Vombatidae (wombats) 3 spp
Acrobatidae (feathertail gliders) 2 spp
Petauridae (wrist-winged gliders) 10 spp
Macropodidae (kangaroos, wallabies) 54 spp
Potoroidae (rat kangaroos) 9 spp
Phascolarctidae (koalas) 1 spp
Phalangeridae (possums, cuscus) 18 spp
Tarsipedidae (honey possums) 1 spp
Burramyidae (pygmy possums) 5 spp



sbspp. = subspecies