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Sarah Michelle Gellar
(A.K.A. - "Buffy")
-where you Hop from one great site to another-

Sarah Michelle Gellar Pictures Pages, Page 2 Page 3
A page solely dedicated to a fine actress and beautiful woman.

Some links to other Sarah Michelle Gellar (A.K.A. - "Buffy") Pages

visitors since 8/16/99.

EMAIL: If you email me make sure you DELETE the 2 EXLAMATION marks (!!) at the beginning of the email address. If you don't see these there when creating your email, then don't worry about it. Thanks!!

Please note: I am not and do not know Ms. Sarah Michelle Gellar. None of these pictures on this website were taken by myself or created by myself in anyway. All pictures were found at various locations on the internet. If anyone feels that any of these pictures are their own (Copyrighted) and does not wish to have them displayed on my website, please let me know and I will gladly remove them. I did not intentionally take any pictures that are copyrighted but may have found them elsewhere.
Also, if my page contains links to a page that is yours and you do not wish for your page to be linked from here, please contact me and I will gladly remove the link as well.
Feel free to use any of the pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar found on my website as they are not owned by me. However, keep in mind that, you are using them at your sole discretion, and although most don't care, the actual owners of these pictures may or may not allow the use of their picture to be published on any website(s) of their choice.
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