
If you have any questions email me and I might post them here. Thanks.

Q: How can I become a witch?

A: to become a wicca the steps include : 1. research all the information you can 2. ask questions about the information and compare facts between books 3. decide if the path is right for you 4. practice celebrating the SABBATS not holidays 5. Then do you dedication cerimony 6. you can practice solitary you do not have to join a coven or circle

Q: What is a coven?

A: A group of witches that practice together.

Q: Do you use brooms to fly?

A: No, Brooms also called besoms are used to clear your alter space and circle.

Q: Can you get hurt while your astral projecting?

A: No, if while your out of your body, something happens you can always snap back to your body. But I do suggest being careful and learning more before you try it. There are some very good books on the subject out there!

Q: I think I have ESP. How can I tell?

A: Everyone has a certain level of ESP. If you have strong feeling about certain things, such as phone calls from unusual people or that something bad is about to happen, that is normal. You can use the homemade test I provide on this site to help you measure how strong your ESP is, but remember that ESP can leave as quickly as it came.

Is it safe to play the Ouija Board?

The Ouija Board has been around for centuries and it is a tool to be used carefully, because it can be used by good spirits and bad spirits. Before you use your Ouija Board, put a protection spell on it first. Never play the Ouija Board alone, and always pray to your God or deity before using the board.

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