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As Steve works the crowd into a frenzy, the camera pans around the packed house. Signs reading from “Icon neXt -Tripp Shade” to “Britney come home” adorn the arena. The view changes to a scene from earlier in the evening shot outside the arena.

Styles: (voice only)Happy Halloween everyone and we are back after a contraversial first ever Super Card. Here with me is my cohost, Snake Jackson.

Snake: As always.

Styles: What your watching is footage shot earlier outside the arena.

A long line awaits entry into the SHIWO arena. Suddenly, the main doors swing open and the painted face of M@DM@N pops out. He bounds from the door and pulls out a very large magnifying glass and begins walking down the line of fans. He resembles a cartoon detective as he stoops over acting as if he is inspecting each person. Many of the children are dressed in costumes commemorating the frightful holiday. Numerous Darth Maul masks along with a few Poke’mon outfits. He walks upon one and jumps back, its a kid dressed in green and white sweatpants and a painted face and way too much hair jell to make his blonde locks stand up in a flat top.

M@DM@N: Hmmmm, lemme guess your Brad Pitt? no, er hmmm

The boy turns around and shows him that he has hair drawn all over his back with a magic marker.

M@DM@N: HEY...YOUR ME! Aw shucks....yer gonna make me blush. Hey, everyone wearing a costume make a line right here. If its ok with your folks, yer going with me.

Snake: Oh right, who is gonna let their kid go with this fruitcake.

The kids line up and follow the painted warrior into the Arena then his padded dressing room.

Snake: Lemme get this straight, a grown man taking these kids to his dressing room. I dont like this a bit Sammy. Folks at home, never let a stranger much less a nutcase take your kids.

Styles: Stop it Snake, he wouldn’t hurt a fly. He is just letting these kids in for free and letting them have a good time.

Snake: Maybe you dont remember his match last week. I bet Fairweather doesnt know they are getting in free.

Styles: I bet,anyway its time for our first match.

Steve: Introducing first he is the Necromancer Nicklaus KAAAAAAIIIIINNNNN!

"Moonlight Sonata" plays as Kain makes his way to the ring. Steve: And his opponant, the new kid on the block, figurativly. He is CHRIS VAAAAAN HORTOOON!

The lights all go out, and "Better Than You" by Metallica begins to play. Pyro explodes at the entranceway, and suddenly the entire ramp and aisle light up in flames.....and CVH walks out, and makes his way to the ring down the path of fire. He steps over the top rope, and the four corners explode and send off fireworks.

Styles: Ya know for a rookie this guy is really well recieved Snake.

Snake: Lets see how well he recieves what big Nick has for him.

The bell rings, and the two immediately lock up, and CVH shows his power by throwing KAIN backwards right out of the lock. KAIN just stares at him, he gets up and runs at CVH, CVH ducks to get prepared, but KAIN follows with a flying kneelift, knocking CVH awkwards on his feet, KAIN follows up with a flying clothesline, this time getting CVH down.

Styles: These guys are really going at it, right from the start.

Snake: They both have a name to make for themselves and now is the time to do it.

KAIN jumps on top of CVH, frantically choking, punching, kicking him. CVH finally gets his hands up, and slaps them together, with KAIN's head in between, CVH rolls, and gets to his feet. KAIN rushes him yet again, and CVH hits a tilt-a-whirl slam. He quickly pulls KAIN to his feet, and whips him into the corner. He follows it up with a big boot to the jaw, KAIN still trapped in the corner, and CVH delivers an elbow to the KAIN's face. He then props KAIN up on the second turnbuckle, and delivers a suplex off of the second turnbuckle.

Styles: My god, I have not seen action like this in a while.

Snake: I remember back in ‘78 when Mikey “The Neck” Malone and I ....

Styles: As I was saying, these guys are playing for keeps.

KAIN is down. CVH goes to the outside, and slides in a table. CVH props the table, and picks KAIN up. CVH picks KAIN up in gorilla press position, but KAIN squirms, and falls to CVH's shoulder length. Somehow, KAIN pulls a counter, and BULLDOGS CVH through the table. Both men are down.

Styles: How did KAIN pull that one off?

Snake: He has been around a ring a time or two Sammy.

KAIN is first to his feet, and decides its time to get more extreme, and goes underneath the ring, pulling out a carton of god knows what. He grabs the first thing he reaches for, it's a cheese grater!

Styles: Since when is this a hardcore match?

Snake: Since now..the ref is letting them go, when the fans are into it like this you cant stop it. Thats why we are SHIWO. We entertain the fans.

He climbs to the second turnbuckle, and quickly jumps, landing right on top of CVH with the grater. CVH is cut. KAIN drops the grater for a second, and whips CVH into the ropes. He begins to pummel CVH, grater in hand. CVH is bleeding heavily now. The ref orders KAIN to get out of the corner, and while the two argue, CVH slides out of the ring. He goes underneath the ring, and pulls out a long cardboard box, with the name Sylvania on it. Opens it, and pulls out a long fluorescent bulb.

Styles: NO NOOOO!


KAIN is still going at it with the ref. CVH slides back into the ring, and when KAIN turns around, CVH belts him with the bulb, sending glass everywhere, and busting KAIN open. KAIN has obviously gotten glass in his eyes, as he is hunched over. CVH quickly picks up the cheese grater, and puts it underneath KAIN, and runs to the ropes and hits an elevated head scissors right on to the grater, KAIN is hurt! CVH picks him up, and delivers a powerbomb over the top rope, onto the cement floor.

Styles: MY GOD....OH I Cant....I just cant watch, Snake.

Snake: Dont watch Snake, watch the damn match, this is great!

CVH goes to the turnbuckle, and the crowd knows what's next. He walks along the top ropes and delivers a frog splash onto KAIN, showing that uncanny agility. He rolls over KAIN, and gets to his feet. He picks up KAIN, and drops him chinfirst onto the steel guardrail.


Snake: Sammy, you just puked on my shoe....can we get a mop please.

He grabs some cable and wraps it around KAIN's neck, he ties the other end to the ring post, and KAIN is almost hanging from the post by his neck. CVH picks up a chair, and slams KAIN in the face, the back of KAIN's head smashing into the post, I think KAIN is out. CVH throws two tables into the ring, and unties KAIN, who just drops right to the floor. CVH slides KAIN into the ring, and sets him up on top of one of the tables, CVH goes to the top and jumps off, KAIN has been playing possum, CVH goes through the table, he's down. KAIN remains down, obviously hurt bad, but not unconscious. The ref begins to count both of them.1...2...3...4...5.... CVH gets to his knees. KAIN is still trying to regroup. CVH walks over to KAIN to try and pick him up, but KAIN counters with a low blow, CVH goes down. KAIN goes back to his carton of tricks, then changes his mind. He retrieves a ladder, and slides it into the ring right next to CVH. He picks up the ladder, and just drops it on CVH.

Styles: Ok, I think I am ....

Snake: Not a word, just shut up!

He picks it up again, and sets it up. KAIN climbs to the top. CVH kicks the ladder, from his back, and sends it wobbling, KAIN drops to the bottom. He picks up CVH and whips him into the ropes. KAIN is going to go for a splash, but CVH lifts his foot, delivering a boot to the face. KAIN goes reeling backwards. CVH uses the corner to catch a breath, then bursts out of the corner, hitting a clothesline. He falls, seemingly winded. KAIN gets up and goes for his bag of tricks. CVH scurries over though, and knocks it out of his hand, spilling its contents, a waffle iron, hair dryer, brass knuckles, and a few other items. The two lock up, and hold for quite a bit. CVH ducks under, and hits a quick fallaway slam. KAIN springs up to his feet, and kicks CVH in the stomach, bending CVH over. KAIN hits a neckbreaker. KAIN goes over and sets up the second table that CVH had thrown in earlier. However, CVH rises, and hits KAIN with an axe handle. The two begin to slug it out, CVH landing lefts and rights, to KAIN's chops, KAIN countering every one. CVH whips him into the ropes, but the two clothesline each other, and both go down. 1.... 2....3....4....5....6...7.... CVH rolls over, then gets over to a table, and sets it up again, but KAIN gets up, and clocks him with the waffle iron.

Styles: How can they sti...


CVH is stunned, and KAIN hits a drop kick. KAIN goes to set up the ladder, and begins to climb it as CVH rises to his feet. KAIN doesn't see him rise, and by the time KAIN sees him, CVH has begun to climb the other side of the ladder. They both reach the top, and begin trading punces at the top of the ladder. CVH gives Kain a stiff shot to the jaw, knocking him backwards slightly. CVH reaches over, and underhooks Kain's arm, and leaps forward.

Styles:That's the Phenomenon, he just hit it from the top of the ladder..Oh my God!

CVH and Kain both lay on the mat next to each other, motionless. CVH starts to stir, and drapes his arm over Kain. 1...2...3.

Snake: CVH wins his debut in a hard fought match. While Steve makes his announcements, why dont you clean off my shoes Mr. Cant hold my lunch. These shoes are $130 bucks Styles.

Styles: Funny, didnt know they carried anything that expensive at Wal-Mart. Ha ha ha...oh sorry.

Snake: Time for our next matchup and man its gonna set SHIWO on fire.

Styles: Thats right Snake, apparently someone leaked some inside information to the press and Thomas Fairweather did not find it very proper. He set out to find out who did this and now a challange has been made. After a short time non other than Izzy G answered the challange.

Snake: Sammy, I knew Thomas back when he was at the top of his game. I never saw him train the way he has for this one.

Styles: We will have to see how much good it did him. You know, Izzy is in his prime and looks better and better every week.

Snake: They way you said that kind of worries me, Sammy.

Styles: Stop it!

Without a ring introduction Thomas Fairweather steps from the curtain. He is dressed in a pair of Blue Jeans and a shirt reading “The Dungeon, Calgary Alberta Canada.” The crowd for the most part appears to support the President in his return to the ring.He walks down toward the ring as most of the crowd applaudes. He climbs into the ring and takes the mic from Steve.

Fairweather: I’ll take it from here Stevie. This match tonight is about much more than an insubordinate employee. It goes much deeper than that. You see folks, a couple of months back a man reappeared here in SHIWO. A man bent on destroying this company and everything it stands for. A man who opposed everything which Max A. Million dreamed of when he opened the doors to this arena. That man has since become an enemy of SHIWO. He then started his little clique known as “The Elite” and somewhat ran roughshod over this company. It was then that I stepped in. Suprising many of you and “The Elite” I brought Scotty Fontana and M@DM@N back to SHIWO to bring this group of hoods back to earth, and they did it! Since his return, The man known as Buzzkiller has done his part in taking Krush out of the Elite picture. Tonight, I finish the job. Tonight...I cut off the head of the snake...Tonight Thomas Fairweather finishes off the ELITE!!! Now Regulator, get your ass down here and get it kicked. Ref, you disqualify either of us your fired..there will be a winner!

As the crowd goes nuts at the announcement, Izzy charges from the curtain toward the ring. He slides under the ropes and is met with several boots from the Bluechip Thomas Fairweather. Thomas drops down and begins delivering rights and lefts to the head. Izzy finally forces his aggressor off. Fairweather stays on his man stomping at him until the Regulator rolls out of the ring to take a breather.

Styles: These guys really hate each other Snake.

Snake: No doubting that.

Fairweather runs over to the rope and begins yelling at Izzy. Thinking quickly, Izzy grabs the Chippers foot and pulls him out of the ring. He then whips the prez into the ring post. Fairweather goes down clutching his back. Izzy grabs him and tosses him back into the ring. Izzy climbs back in and grabs Fairweather. He hurls Fairweather into the corner and follows up with a big elbow. He whips him into the far corner and follows up with another but Thomas ducks out. As Izzy recovers, he finds himself on the recieving end of a superkick to the jaw. Izzy is floored. Fairweather picks him up and sends him crashing to the mat with an armbar takedown. Hanging on to the arm, Thomas puts his feet on the top rope for more leverage. You like broken arms dont ya Izzy, you want to see what Conners felt like?

Styles: I think he’s lost it. Look at his eyes.

Snake: He looks like a rabid dog Sammy, I have never seen him like this.

Fairweather removes his foot from the ropes and delivers a knee to the arm of the Regulator. Fairweather then pulls him up by the wounded wing and begins jerking away at the arm. Obviously in pain, Izzy reaches over and rakes the eyes of Fairweather. Stunned, Thomas covers his eyes. Izzy shakes his arm and massages the muscle. Suddenly, The crowd turns its attention to the curtain. It is no other than Krush standing in the walkway. Holding a chair, Krush is dressed in a pair of black jeans that are ripped, and a torn "Elite" t-shirt. Fairweather recovers and steps back to watch Krush walking to the ring. Fairweather begins shouting at him to leave the area. He climbs in the ring and begins to argue with Fairweather and Izzy just stands there with a confused look on his face. Suddenly Krush swings the chair connecting with Fairweather's head knocking him out. Izzy then begins to jump up and down celebrating. He walks over and extends his hand to Krush in appreciation. Krush accepts the gesture, but as Izzy turns to cover Fairweather, Krush nails him in the back of the head with the chair knocking Izzy out as well.

Styles: What the hell is going on!

Snake: Looks like the Buzzkiller finally go to him. He has snapped.

Krush then rips the torn "Elite" t-shirt off and throws it on top of Izzy's lifeless body. Krush then wraps the chair around Izzy's neck , and then stomps on the chair. An erie snapping sound is heard that sends a chill up and down the spine of each and every fan in the arena.

Styles: Oh man...I am gonna humf....humf...



Snake: Forget the bucket, we need another mop.

Krush gets up and Shouts at Izzy...."*BEEP* YOU AND THE ELITE!!!" Krush then walks over to Fairweather and executes the "Devastator" powerbomb and shouts out......"*BEEP* YOU AND YOUR DAMN COMPANY!!!!" Krush then turns, exits the ring, and slowly walks to the back.

Snake: Now what? They are both down in the ring and Fairweather will not allow a DQ.

The ref looks at Steve then the timekeeper. He then begins his count. 1...2...3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10. Steve slowly climbs into the ring and delivers his announcement.

Steve: By result of a double count out, this match is declared a draw.

A stunned crowd stands in disbelief.

Snake: I simply cannot believe it. I assure you this is not the last we have seen of these two.

As medics clear the men from the ring, a custodian mops up the vomit at ringside. The view changes to what appears to be a hidden camera. It is a view of a non descript dressing room. A man is seated on a bench. He is wearing a mask and an outfit bearing a dragon on the wrestling attire.


Styles: It does look like him, this guy seems a bit smaller though. Whats that in his hand?

The camera zooms in to see a copy of the alternate lifestyle magazine “Butts and Nutts”.

Styles: Thats not the same guy, look at him..the other guy was at least six foot six this guy isnt over five eleven.

Snake: Hey does the mailing label on that magazine have your name on it? He he ha ah forget it. What are you looking at puke breath?

Styles: Just another attempt at the usual mindgames by the mad one.

Snake: Time for a title match Sammy.

Steve: The next match is for the SHIWO Television Title. Announcing first, he was once an Icon now he’s ......well he’s not ...I ...uh..guess. Anyway, he is one half of the Leading men and a founder of The Leading Men productions he is TRRRRRRRIP SHHHHADE!

Amidst a huge fan roar, "The Message" begins to blare over the PA system, as TLMP member, "Box Office" Tripp Shade makes his way to the ring. He smugly smiles at the fans to show his appreciation.

Steve: And the Champion, the self proclaimed TLM hater, he is SPPPPPPAAAAARTTTTAN! Fell on Black days echoes through the arena. He recieves mixed appeal as he walks to the ring. He climbs inside and the ref calls for the bell.

Sammy: Seems like some of the fans must be TLM haters too, from this reaction.

Snake: Yeah, those are the ones that paid good money to see a Tripp Shade movie.

Spartan goes for a tie up as Shade ducks out. Shade briefly taunts Spartan who goes for another tie up to find that his opponent has again escaped his grasp.

Sammy: Shade using his speed in an attempt to try and frustrate Spartan.

Snake: You want to frustrate Spartan? Ask him if he likes gladiator movies...he HATES that.

Sammy: Have you ever seen a grown man naked?

Obviously growing impatient Spartan fakes the tieup and delivers a big boot to the mid section of his man. Shade doubles over. Spartan lifts him up and dumps him with a big slam. Shade squirms in pain.

Snake: I squirmed in pain like that when I saw "Dead Men Don't Eat Breakfast"

Spartan follows up with a big elbow. Shade is hurt, Spartan stands up and pulls Shade by the hair. Spartan grabs him around the midsection and applies a big bear hug. Shade yells out in pain.

Sammy: Oh, that bear hug really cinched in! Spartan squeezing the life out of the challenger!

Snake: Let's hope he doesn't try and squeeze the acting ability out of Shade....that's a waste of time.

Sammy: Y'know, for a guy who's not "a fan", you sure have seen a lot of his work, Snake.

Sammy: Uhh...I'm a broadcast journalist, it's one of the sacrifices I make to make this show a little better.

Sammy: Oh, puleeze....

Shade, still in agony, rakes Spartan's face, causing the big man to release the hold. "Box Office" delivers a stiff shot to Spartan's chest, followed by another, and one more, sending Spartan reeling back to the ropes. Shade whips Spartan into the corner, and follows up with a big clothesline. Shade takes a few steps back, stares at Spartan, than comes in with a textbook drop kick, causing Spartan to fall face first on the canvas.

Sammy: Oh MY!! Vintage Shade! What a drop kick! Wait...Shade going to the top now!

Shade seizes the opportunity, and hops to the top rope, looking for the "Box Office Smash". Shade leaps, and Spartan moves out of the way! Shade lands hard on his elbow. Spartan rolls him up getting a thisclosetothree count.

Sammy: OH! That was close! Shade tried to end it, and it almost backfired! pop whatsoever goes up from the crowd, as "Too Funky" Leroy Brown makes his way to the ringside area.

Snake: Look, it''s...

Sammy: Leroy Brown!

Snake: Oh....I thought it was Huggy Bear.

Spartan looks at Brown for a moment, before disregarding him, and going back to working on Shade. He lifts Shade once again by his hair, and whips him into the ropes. Clothesline attempt, Shade ducks. Coming back off the ropes, Shade attempts a cross body block, only to be caught by Spartan.

Sammy: Uh-oh!

Spartan with a painful backbreaker on Shade.

Sammy: Backbreaker! You know what that means?


Sammy: It's time for the Spartan Smash!

Spartan signals for the Spartan Smash, when Brown gets up on the ring apron.

Snake: What's Shaft doing?!

Brown does some shucking and jiving, once again getting Spartan's attention. Spartan drops Shade down to the mat, and goes over to Brown, grabbing him by his buttefly collar.

Sammy: For some reason, Brown getting involved in this match.

Snake: Dolomite is gonna get it now!

While Brown begs off, Shade regains his wits, and sneaks up from behind Spartan, and nails him with the reverse Implant DDT, known as The Red Carpet DDT.

Sammy: Shade from behind!! Red Carpet!! We're gonna have a new champ!

Shade hooks the leg, as the referee, as well as the crowd, counts. 1!2!3! New SHIWO TV Champion! Shade hugs his stereotypical ally, Brown, who suddenly begins to remove his very ugly(and outdated) shirt to reveal an "All up in the Asshole" T-Shirt.

Sammy: It-it's The ASSHOLE!

Snake: Izzy G is in the house?

Sammy: .......

The Asshole/Too Funky: Many of you have a lot of questions, and I understand. First question that would probably come to mind would be, how? How did I put myself in such a clever disguise? Well, I thought, in the spirit of Icon-X, I might as well do a little costume changing myself. The way I did this is simple. One day, while I for other my parent's basement..well, that is unimportant to you, right? *laughs nervously*

[The crowd is dead silent]

The Asshole: Eh, anyway, I was watching comedy central. And I don't know if anyone notices, but they run a helluva lot of b-movies. I saw this one movie, where this guy took an overly high dosage of tanning pills..and well, let's just say, he pulled a reverse michael jackson...

Shade: Hey, I was up for that part, y'know....

The Asshole: Oh, yeah?

Shade: Yeah...I thought it was too demeaning though towards our african american I took a part in a movie where my character took an overly high dosage of carne was called "'Ousekeeping, You Want I Fluff Pillow?"

The Asshole: heh, I was saying, so I got these tanning pills, and followed the way that guy did it, and it worked! I was now able to be "Too Funky" I mean, sure, there were side effects..malfunction of the genatalia, cold sweats at night, blood in the stool...normal everyday stuff, right?

[more akward, utter silence]

The Asshole: But I thought, what would be a better way to come back? I have the only guy I lost to, Spartan, facing my old friend, Tripp Shade! Let's just say, TLMP is now just so much like Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut-The Best Pizzas under one roof..TLMP-Best Wrestlers under one rooo(trails off)

["Asshole" by Dennis Leary plays mercifully, as The Asshole leaves with what little dignity he has left.]

TS: In closing, I'd just like to say, this is the beginning of the TLMP era-

[Halfway up the ramp, The Asshole turns, and says "that's redundant"]

TS: Wha-!? So is "The Asshole" and "dark match"......friggin'......anyhooters, as anybody that's anybody knows, Tripp Shade doesn't "do" TV, so that's why at this very moment, I rename this title the SHIWO World Cinema Title, and that's the way it will stay, until someone tells me different!

Voice, offcamera: It's the TV Title, Shade.

TS: Well, okay, that's that. Spartan, don't hate the TL..err, TLMP, hate yourself for not being good enough for TLMP.

[Kicks Spartan in the gut, before leaving to a mixture of cheers and boos]

Styles: This has been the damndest night.

Snake: Thats the point, its Halloween. Crazy stuff always happens on Halloween.

Styles: From looking at that cage above the ring as well as the competitors in this next match I would say before this nights over, things will get even crazier.

Steve: This next match is a single fall matchup with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, he is the Hero of the Ukraine, he is AAAAABOOOOOMB!!!!

The lights go dim, and the Jumbotron lights up with a scene from the WWW. It shows A-Bomb, M@DM@N, and a third man, known as Swingshift, exiting the ringside area in A-Bomb's M1 Abram. The lights come back on to cheers among the entire crowd as the Imperial March begins to play. A-Bomb shows himself at the top of the ramp, his singlet reading on the front, "Remember" and on the back, "The New MILLENIUM" and he is carrying sparklers which he is handing to fans along the aisle.

Styles: I really hate to see two fan favorites going at it like this Snake, especially two old friends like this.

Snake: You know my saying “Do unto others as” ......well something like that.

"Heh, heh, heh..." followed by "Insane In The Membrane" kicks in, as the crowd explodes into a frenzy of roars and cheers! Green and white spotlights race throughout the arena and green and white sparklers, spewing high into the air, erupt all around the entrance of the runway. Before M@DM@N steps out, we see all of those costumed people he gathered together, earlier. They begin to make their way to the ring. Then, the cheers pick back up, as M@DM@N steps out, into view. He's spinning and dancing down the aisle, soaking up the cheers of the crowd and bringing up the rear of this little band he's gathered. The costumed fans surround the ring, as instructed and M@DM@N grabs an awaiting mic; as he hops up on the ring apron... " Hey, there, A-Bombski! Ya like my tribute to our little 'Holiday of Horror'? It's called Hall-o-ween...Hall-o-ween... " M@DM@N climbs between the ropes and into the ring... " I love Halloween! These people, around us...they love Halloween! Since they wore a costume, I got 'em in, for free! Well...heh...I signed Fairweather's name, but...they got in, for free! I did them a, they're gonna do me a favor. Right now! " The costumed fans, at ringside, begin a chant of, "USA"! "USA"! Soon, the crowd joins in the chant, "USA"! "USA"! As Abomb turns and looks in disbelief at the crowd Madman rushes him. He tackles the Ukranian giant. The two roll on the mat for a short time until the roll into the ropes. The ref calls for a break and finally seperates the two. Abomb bounds off the ropes and lauches himself toward his opponant. Madman leans back and grabs the top rope and pulls down as Abomb flips over and onto the floor. Madman hurdles the rope and lands atop the former SHIWO president.

Styles: I can’t believe these guys used to be even.

Madman came down hard as he hit and rolls off Abomb. Both men dazed, Madman reaches his feet first. He reaches over to one of the kids who came to the ring with him. He takes a pumpkin shaped bucket full of candy and dumps it on Abombs head and covers his head with the bucket. He then lays a couple of licks into the plastic bucket as he screams “ Trick or ....well, just trick”. Abomb rips the bucket from his head and throws it into the face of Madman. Distracted by this, Madman becomes the victim of a spear from the big man. With Madman on the floor, Abomb begins kicking away. He then lifts Madman up by his blonde locks and dumps him groin first on the guard rail. With eyes the size of tennis balls, Madman slumps over and falls from the rail. Artur pulls him up and rolls him into the ring. The dazed Madman, then finds himself inverted as Abomb applies a standing suplex upon his entry into the ring. Madman crashes to the mat. Abomb runs toward the rope, as he bounces off he drops a knee square in the forehead of Madman. Staying on the offensive, Bombnakov hoists his man up. He whips him into the turnbuckle and follows up with an elbow. Madman slumps to the floor. Abomb pulls him toward the center of the ring where he stands him up. He sets him up for a powerbomb. In the air, Madman grabs the hair of Abomb as he falls to the mat. This sends Abombs head crashing to the canvass.

Page 2...sorry, its a long card!