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You were wandering all night and you are tired and weary.It's over 100 degrees outside and you haven't eaten in days. Just as you are about to collapse you see a fire in the distance but you will never make it so you just plop down on the grass and sleep. When you wake up you were in a camp with a bunch of animals mostly hares. A hare named Midge Manycoats greets you and feeds you. He asks if you will join their bregade of the wandering Very Long Patrol. Do you accept YES if not, he said, leave us.

Through the woods and o'er the water the Very Long Patrol will travel
Protecting Mossflower from vermin and searats
Or what ever evil we unravel
We will fight for honor and we will fight for freedom
Just like our allies at Salamandastron Kingdom

Picture of Midge Manycoats

The Very Long Patrol's Story

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This Salamdandastron Fighters Webring site is owned by
Midge Manycoats.

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